Monday, April 7, 2008

Foamy Justice

So, i recently found out who the "fire"-extinguishing, seat-ripping, shit-thrower-around-er is. It's someone in the play, and someone else in the play's brother. The former, i did not see doing this at all, for any reason. The latter...well, i don't know the guy, so...Can't really say. Anyway, i just have this to say.

I know anger can sometimes get the best of us. The very best, and put it in kind of a stranglehold and not let go. It may feel as if nothing matters anymore, i don't know. But that is absolutely no excuse for the blatant disrespect of what some people call their home away from home. I am one of them. Theatre is one of my few ways to express myself. It disappoints and angers me to almost no end, what happened. But, life goes on, we may have to find someoone else for the parts, i have no clue. what's going to happen. All i know is, i'm not going to respect anyone who does anything like this, ever.

Well, on a lighter note, today was actually pretty fun. Choir was fun, even. Not boring like usual. And Wednesday is Sing on Your Way to Class Day, so get ready for that, chillinz.

1) "Hello, my name is Ayahhh!"

- Ariel at lunch

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