Sunday, April 20, 2008

Like The City in Alaska?


So, Wednesday was a pretty crazy day. Dad bought the one disc version of Juno, so Liz went back to Target after school to get the right one, and brought it back home. It was for later that evening. She was leaving to Canada the next morning and she had a sleepover with Cody, Sam and Ariel. Ben came over and we watched American Idol.

So we watched almost half of the movie, and went to sleep.

The next morning, we all went to IHOP, and it was great. We went back to the house real fast and dad and the other kids left. I made my lunch and came back later to also deliver Liz's coat and Sam's Skittles. And they were off.

Friday was also great n' crazy. Right after school, i went to dinner with Deja and her family. Then we went to Poynter's musical, which she choreographed a number for. So yay. We also saw the talent that were going to be freshmen next year, and i can't wait.

Saturday...nothing happened.

Today...nothing will happen except everybody gets back from Canada. Also yay.

I watched The Pursuit of Happyness last night. Good flick.

1) "I could go to the basement and get some water. And those were good times."

- Lewis Black

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