Sunday, April 6, 2008

A is for Applesauce

...My favorite meal. Not realy though. But i had some last night...

Anyway, Thursday was great, actually. In first period we had a sub, so we almost didn't do anything, because we only ran the scenes i wasn't in. It was grand.

So, regarding the fight in the theatre the other day: One of the members of the cast was partially blamed for it. We all thought it wasn't him, and that he would never do anything remotely like that. He was not allowed to go into the theatre until he got clearance from the administration. The cast thought this wasn't right, and to show that, along with our temwork and togetherness, we decided to have practice outside. It was very nice outside, and i felt like part of something really meaningful.

Friday was also really cool. Sam, Liz and i went to see our friend Leah play at Insomnia, the coffee shop which i found out is not that far from our house. She was really good.

Saturday was really cool as well. Ben, Jake, Leah, Ariel, Mike and Kyle went to Kelsey's house and had Sweeney Todd night. After the movie, we had a massive, and epic pillow fight. When Ben and i pranked Burger King. It was fantastic.

And now it's today. School tomorrow. Blah blah blah.

1) "Frank's sick."
"Since when?"
"Since twenty years ago."

- Hot Rod

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