Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The "Story" So Far

So, a couple of people i know (i don't talk to them enough to call them my friends) have made YouTube videos. The Real World: Suburbs Episodes 1 and 2. Cold check 'em, kids.


In honor of Russell Brand getting his own talk show in the US, i decided this post's title would be British. So...there you go.

Anyway...Memorial Day Weekend...what did i do...? Oh yeah, now i rememberz.

Friday: Sam came ober, we all watched Walk Hard. I only watched the first hour, and hen Dej came over and we went to the park, which was awesome. We be'd little kids. Then we walked back and Sam was gone, and then blah blah.

Saturday: Uh...nothing. Sam came over.

Sunday: Went over to Deja's for dinner. Watched Juno. Saw Indiana Jones with Sam and the fam.

Monday: Went to Deja's to "help" clean out her garage with her annoy-box of a little brother. And by "help" i mean sit on a stool and yell at people.

Err...that be it, kid.

Stroke of Amazinginging

So, i thought today was going to be awful, and just all around bad, but it wasn't. i just hung out with my cousin and played Guitar Hero. It was great. On my second try of a song, i actually finished it. It was incredible, my friends.

So, i didn't go to school today, i went to Roseburg. Why? Not saying.

It was a pretty long drive and my leg hurt, but after that it was gold. We got to my aunt's house, talked for a few minutes, then they all left, and it was Bryce, uncle Marty and I. I finished Reptillia by The Strokes, and tried Weezer, Tenacious D and finished others. I tried Knights of Cydonia on expert, and my brain exploded. Then everybody else got home, and we hun g out for a while, and then went to lunch. Dakota Street Pizza. Which, by the way is the best pizza place in the history of mankind.

I used my last cideo game quarters trying to get Kermit our of the crane machine, and failed. I had his arm, dammit,l but it totally bailed on me. Then Bryce tried and got it. And now I have a stuffed Kermit that I'm taking everywhere. Every freaking where.

We went home, and now i'm here. We got here about 50 minutes ago. It was nice.

1) "You done gone smell blind, son."

- Walk Hard

Friday, May 23, 2008

June? Have You Seen Rain Lately?

Today was rather stange. Why? I don't know. What about this?

I had a doctor's appointment that didn't last nearly as long as i thought it would, which was good. I went to the last part of first period.

My teacher left 2nd halfway through, and we had a sub. We found out who our next choir director would be today during 3rd. And almost nobody was present. The lunches were extended to 45 minutes, and it was excruciatingly boring. And we found out the Sadie Hawkins was canceled.

4th was normal, and 5th, we had a test and a sub, and a couple of people were acting like complete assholes. I mean that in every sense of the word. God, they were jeks. During a test too.

So, i'm doing something with the girl later. Yeah. It will be amazing, and will make up for everything remotely sucky that went down today. Cool.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pardon the Descent

Into a hectic life.

Friday: Sadie Hawkins Dance! And then 3 day weekend!

Tuesday: Something i have to do. It'll hurt, probably alot, but i have to do it. Because i love my family. Very much, and they need to be supported.

June 3rd: choir concert
8: PATD/MCS/Phantom Planet/Hush Sound
11: Outta school
16-17: Camping trip maybe

There's more stuff, but i can't remember it. And i have a doctor's appointment on Friday. Good times...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Figured, Since It's Been 3 Days and All...

You guys'd want a post. Here's one.

Yesterday was very nice. I got up and i had to clean. I helped vlean the house and blah blah blah. Why? The grandparents were coming over to watch the NASCAR race and have a barbecue. Yeah.

Mom went to the store and bought things and took Liz to work, which she got off of at 3:00. But she was late, so...we had to wait a half hour. And while out, Mom bought Walk Hard and Talladega Nights. Good effing times.

So, the GPz came and we waited for Liz a bit, then went to get her. And then Sam came, and then Ariel came and we had dinner.

When that while thing was done, we went to the park to play Cranium, which we barely did. And then Deja came, and then we went home, and then played American Idol...blah blah blah again. And then everbody left. And then i watched Walk Hard and SNL. Again i must say, good effing times.

Sorry i didn't make that more exciting. I don't feel like making things exciting., It's hot and gross.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sifl and Olly Season 2 Episode 14

Here you go.

Everyone Wants Some Sunny and Dull

Sunny and DullHey, gang.

Not much going on. Bike lessons and band practice haven't gone on since last week. Nothing's really happened that's fun since prom.

My monologues are going well, and by that i mean, i read them and they got good reactions. Today in drama 2 we played leadership games after we finished watching Our Town. So...that was fun. Choir was fun too. That's pretty much it. We had a lame sub in 2nd, so that was fun too...

And now that's it.

1) "Two guys on roller skates! That's way hotter than one."

- Ladies of the World (Flight of the Conchords)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Silent Wonder Years


Your Melody (Ballroom) Sounds As Sweet As the First Time it Was Sung

Here's the story.

I got up. Ate. I went with mom to the store and the florist to pick up Sam and I's corsages for our respective dates. We got all that crap, and went home. A couple hours later, Sam and Liz arrived, with Liz's new hair, and our aunt came over to help with Liz's makeup. Then 5:00 rolled in, and we went to pick Deja up from her cousin's birthday party. So, we all took pictures at Round Table in our prom outfits. Classy, i must say.

After that, we all piled in the car. I opened the car door for her, of course. Then we drove, and kinda got lost, on the way to Sungari, where our dinner reservations were. The place was very fancy. And we acted like kids. Good times.

After dinner, we found the Melody Ballroom, and we were an hour early. We parked and went in to use the bathroom. And the dude's bathroom smelled very bad. Not like bathroom, but something very different and bad. Let's not get graphic.

So, we walked to a mini mart and Sam and Deja got ice cream and then we sat in the car for a while, then walked back. We waited a while for Ben, Ariel and everyone else cool. After a few minutes, we just went in, got a table and looked around while dancing.

Finally they came, and the party got better. The night was full of dancing and Ben and I got almost everybody in a conga line. To the song Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne, of all songs. Again i say, good times. They played Thriller, and OK Go, and Footloose, and other crazy things you'd not expect to hear at a school dance, among all the crap that kids call music today.

So, the shindig ended, we walked back to the car. Saw some...crazy things...and then got in the car.

We ended up getting crazy lost, due to the overabundance of one-way roads. Freaking freaky-ass Portland. We were almost on our way to Washington at one pont. It was crazy. But, Deja thankfully got us unlost. And then we went home, after 20 minutes of driving every which way. I was tired. Like, totes tired, so i went to sleep shortly after. And then today happened.

Happy Mother's Day, kids.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Promenade Left

The plan? Here it is.

We pick Deja up from some thing, then we go to dinner at some place, then on to the Mekidy Ballroom, where our prom is to be held. Then prom, bleh blah blohh.

I can't wait. Folks, this will be fantabuloustasic.

And now, i leave you with Existentialism on Prom Night by Straylight Run.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I opened my phone just now, and it said i had a voicemail. Hmm, let's listen.

Okay...It's from the Obama campaign. Erase.

How odd. Why am i being solicited when i'm not even a voter? Or of voting age?


Monday, May 5, 2008

So You Can Act. But Can You Do it on a Bicycle?

So, without realizing it, i did a crapload of stuff in the past two days.

Sunday: I got up, ate, and got ready to go out with Liz and Mom. Liz had to work, and i had to go prom shopping. I got myself a suit, tie and belt. Oh my yay. After the sis got out of work, we went to the park before dinner to have a jam/writing session. We only cam up with potential band names and album titles. We had dinner and caried on with the day.

Today: Went to school. After that, we went to the park again with Sam and we had our first bike-riding lesson. Also, i worked on the beginning of a song during 2nd period. Woot.

S0, our final for Drama is to do a monologue audition of two contrasting monologues. We then searched and scowered monologue books. I found one of my two. And this may sound 100% conceited, but i read it damn good. I know full and well that that sounds really full of myself, but i think that i read it very well. My other one's probably gonna suck, whichever one i find.

Running Mayfete shows for people who didn't get to see them tomorrow night. Cool...?

1) "You do not want to take Liz's food."
[flashback] "WHERE'S MY MAC AND CHEESE?!"
[Liz flips table on it's side]

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Rasping on My Chamber Door

So, last night, despite my severe voice problem, it was pretty good. I did okay.

So, tonight's closing night. It should be great. Come see it if at all possible. It should only be the greatest thing ever.

Prom in one week from today. Holy shizzmonkeybuckets.

Dad's friends come over to see the play/hang tonight-ish. Yay for that.

1) "Check, check. Check one two, buckle my shoe, three four, shut the door."

- Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters

Friday, May 2, 2008

Where Are Your Chords?

Wdnesday's choir festival: Hated the idea of going, but it turned out to be great. The edutacator gave me many compliments, and the choir as a whole. Good day.

Yesterday: Unplugged at lunch. Liz sang, people loved it. Deja's last performance of the plau, due to girl scout camp. Boo.

Today: Spartquake. Good freaking times, gang. It was great.

I can barely talk now. I've got the sickies, kids. My life sucks, in a major way. I have to do the play twice more, and wow. Uggghhhhh.

I'm trying the best i can to get my voice back. This might suck.