Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Figured, Since It's Been 3 Days and All...

You guys'd want a post. Here's one.

Yesterday was very nice. I got up and i had to clean. I helped vlean the house and blah blah blah. Why? The grandparents were coming over to watch the NASCAR race and have a barbecue. Yeah.

Mom went to the store and bought things and took Liz to work, which she got off of at 3:00. But she was late, so...we had to wait a half hour. And while out, Mom bought Walk Hard and Talladega Nights. Good effing times.

So, the GPz came and we waited for Liz a bit, then went to get her. And then Sam came, and then Ariel came and we had dinner.

When that while thing was done, we went to the park to play Cranium, which we barely did. And then Deja came, and then we went home, and then played American Idol...blah blah blah again. And then everbody left. And then i watched Walk Hard and SNL. Again i must say, good effing times.

Sorry i didn't make that more exciting. I don't feel like making things exciting., It's hot and gross.

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