Sunday, May 11, 2008

Your Melody (Ballroom) Sounds As Sweet As the First Time it Was Sung

Here's the story.

I got up. Ate. I went with mom to the store and the florist to pick up Sam and I's corsages for our respective dates. We got all that crap, and went home. A couple hours later, Sam and Liz arrived, with Liz's new hair, and our aunt came over to help with Liz's makeup. Then 5:00 rolled in, and we went to pick Deja up from her cousin's birthday party. So, we all took pictures at Round Table in our prom outfits. Classy, i must say.

After that, we all piled in the car. I opened the car door for her, of course. Then we drove, and kinda got lost, on the way to Sungari, where our dinner reservations were. The place was very fancy. And we acted like kids. Good times.

After dinner, we found the Melody Ballroom, and we were an hour early. We parked and went in to use the bathroom. And the dude's bathroom smelled very bad. Not like bathroom, but something very different and bad. Let's not get graphic.

So, we walked to a mini mart and Sam and Deja got ice cream and then we sat in the car for a while, then walked back. We waited a while for Ben, Ariel and everyone else cool. After a few minutes, we just went in, got a table and looked around while dancing.

Finally they came, and the party got better. The night was full of dancing and Ben and I got almost everybody in a conga line. To the song Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne, of all songs. Again i say, good times. They played Thriller, and OK Go, and Footloose, and other crazy things you'd not expect to hear at a school dance, among all the crap that kids call music today.

So, the shindig ended, we walked back to the car. Saw some...crazy things...and then got in the car.

We ended up getting crazy lost, due to the overabundance of one-way roads. Freaking freaky-ass Portland. We were almost on our way to Washington at one pont. It was crazy. But, Deja thankfully got us unlost. And then we went home, after 20 minutes of driving every which way. I was tired. Like, totes tired, so i went to sleep shortly after. And then today happened.

Happy Mother's Day, kids.

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