Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stroke of Amazinginging

So, i thought today was going to be awful, and just all around bad, but it wasn't. i just hung out with my cousin and played Guitar Hero. It was great. On my second try of a song, i actually finished it. It was incredible, my friends.

So, i didn't go to school today, i went to Roseburg. Why? Not saying.

It was a pretty long drive and my leg hurt, but after that it was gold. We got to my aunt's house, talked for a few minutes, then they all left, and it was Bryce, uncle Marty and I. I finished Reptillia by The Strokes, and tried Weezer, Tenacious D and finished others. I tried Knights of Cydonia on expert, and my brain exploded. Then everybody else got home, and we hun g out for a while, and then went to lunch. Dakota Street Pizza. Which, by the way is the best pizza place in the history of mankind.

I used my last cideo game quarters trying to get Kermit our of the crane machine, and failed. I had his arm, dammit,l but it totally bailed on me. Then Bryce tried and got it. And now I have a stuffed Kermit that I'm taking everywhere. Every freaking where.

We went home, and now i'm here. We got here about 50 minutes ago. It was nice.

1) "You done gone smell blind, son."

- Walk Hard

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