Monday, July 19, 2010

You Are the Only...Inception...

Friday night...what an eventful one.

I got off work at 6:00 in the evening, and went to a barbecue that my friend was having. We were to have hot dogs and s'mores I was uder the assumptionthat we were having both hamburgers and hot dogs, so i asked for one of each. I totlly should have said not to worry about it when i was told that we weren't having hamburgers and that we could thaw sme meat from the freezer, but everything was happening so fast, and i was tired, so...yeah.'s what happened.

We thawe the meat, and we didn't have any buns for such things, so i was fashioned a hamburger...shaped like a hot dog. We called it hamburdog. It tasted excellent. For real. And then s'mores.

The next half of the evening was devoted to seeing Inception. We were going to go at 9:40, so we left for Century Theatres to make that show. Here's the rub(s):

1. There was only a certain amount of room in the vehicle we were taking, so 3 of our 5 had to lay in the back, covered by blankets. It was exhilerating and horrifying at the same time. Being slightly jerked around, my head banging against the back of the truck bed, and as a cruel joke, being drug through the Aloha High School parking lot, equipped with multiple speed bumps. Fun, no?

2. 9:40 was sold out.

So, we had to wait an extra hour for the 10:40. I went with someone to WinCo to buy energy drinks. Success there. I got 2 for about $1.50. And we got back to the theater, sat around and talked for a little bit, then we were let in. 

We saw trailers for The Social Network, aka the facebook movie, which actually looks pretty good. Also, Due Date, Dinner For Schmucks, Red, The Town, u...i forget if there were more. But! Then the film began. And then we got to the halfway point, and i started to have to pee. The feeling escelated throughout the rest of the movie, and when it was finally over, it was all i could think about. The movie was great and all, it really was. But then peed for about 3 miinutes.

So, after that, i did the truck thing on the way back to the friend's house, and then i was taken home. The truck adventures resulted in me having a scrape/bruise on my arm, but it wasn't even a big deal and that was the only problem. But i was tird the next day at work. Oh well. That wasn't that bad either.

I'm glad today is Saturday.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Morning Good Morning

I'm trying to make all my new posts song lyrics/titles. Grey's Anatomy style. Haaaa. That makes me not want to.

Well, anyway, in the wake of my uh...life0altering news, I'm receving many congratulations and kind words, and it feels great. Yeah.

I just wanted to update you. Uh...i'm doing alot today, so i just wanted to say hey and bouncezzz. Okay, yeah. See ya.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Inquiring Minds

Walking through the back room at my work today, and i got the urge to check my phone. I do that when i'm back there. So what?

It appears i got a a text from Jason, the guy who is the director/writer of the movie i auditioned for. It told of consideration of expanding my role, and asked if i wanted to meet for coffee tomorrow morning. I accepted, obvs. He asked what part of town i was in, i told him, Hillsboro, and he said he'd email me instead. Well, he did. The emaii stated that i was now up for the role i initially auditioned for. I was invited to the script read in August, and i will. Go. To. That. Shit. No joke.

So, as you could imagine, I was freaking out the whole rest of the day. And i was ectatic, beyond all comprehension. That is, until i had to walk home. You see, our car is...broken. So, it got towed away today, to the car doctor. We'll know the deets tomorow. But i had to take the bus home, and walk about 2 miles home. It was great. And also i had a bag of groceries i bought in order for myself to celebrate my awesomness, and it started to get a hole in the bottom and then i finally got to my street. Which was cool, except the sun was right in my face. I couldn't see anything, and i was sweating like cah-ray-zee. But then i got home.

Yep. There that is. Mm...bye.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Know Exactly Why I Walk and Talk Like a Machine

Hola, chldren. How are you? Good? I don't care. Let's get to it.

Sunday went off with little to no hitches. I arrived at the Shilo Inn around 2 o'clock, and waited afor about an hour. They brought us in, talked to us for about 10 minutes, and sent us back out.

The plan was to have the actors necessary to try their scene in front of camera, then swap one the actors out for another, for checking on chemistry, blah blah.

Both the scenes i was in felt good.I had energy, i thought i conveyed it well. Then i was brought in individually. I didn't get the role i auditioned for. But i do have a supporting role in the film, and i am in 3 or 4 scenes.

So, there that is. Bye.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Began to Smile and I Said "Oh, You Should've Seen Me a Couple of Years Ago"

Alrighty, well, now that you're caught up on my life, and my emotions at the moment, i thought it would be fitting to...keep doing that...

So, today was (emphasis on DAY)...well, i don't even remember. Only a couple things. We all got free salads at lunch, there. But other than that, today was kind of a fail day. Work-related i mean. I kept getting told by one person in particular how to do things, like i didn't know already. I mean, i know she means well, but let me just do it y way, and see what happens, and then you can correct me. Seriously.

Also,i hate to feel this way, but i feel like half of the people there don't like me. As in, i'm not getting a comfortable vibe from them at all. It could be my rookie-ness, maybe i come off or came off as a dick to them, i'm not sure. I do hope it turns around though. The people i feel comfortable with are really nice though.

Following work, i had some time with my girlfriend, which has not happened in only god knows how long. Went to Taco Bell for dinner, and just basically hung out for a while. It was perfect, and very long overdue, and very much needed. Then, i came home, plopped myself down on this dining table chair, and began typing. I am currentl hungry as fffuuuu- and Snowball won't shut his goddamn trap.

Tomorrow should be...rather interesting. Let me give you a little backstory.

Okay, a few months ago, my mother saw on that there was to be an audition for a film in Portland. She told me about it, i looked into it, and decided to give my best shot. We both sat there for hours waiting for my numbe to be called, and when it finally was, i said my lines, twice, then exited. I was extremely pessimistic about the whole thing. Until i recieved an email a few weeks later from the director of the film. It said that i made it to callback auditions, and that i was in the top 3 for my role.

So, tomorrow, i mustreturn to the hallowed ground that is the Shilo Inn, and read my new lines in front of a camera, etc. I'm a tiny bit nervous, but you know...i'll do my damndest to get that part, and if i don't, i'll have a great experience trying.

I can't wait. Wish me luck, why don't you?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Swinging for Mars's over.

No longer will you hear about my schooling exploits. No longer will you read of my academic turmoil and woe. You probably cared as much as it seemed that i did. But it's all over now. My high school career ended today. But it ended just like any other normal day. It just...happened. There were no words spoken of it, no applause, no bands playing, not even in my own head. It just happened.

So how do i feel?

I'm not too entirely sure to be honest. I'm not even sure it will hit me at any point. I have no reasonable explanation why, but i sort of feel numb to the whole thing. I'm not even thinking about it. Honestly i'd love to know why, but i just don't feel anything. Do i not feel i earned it? Will it finally come over me like a wave when i finally get my diploma? I mean, i know this is important, and it is a very big deal, Maybe i need time to think about it. Time to myself. I need to lay down, stare up at the celing and decipher this. Process it. I'm not sure when it's going to happen, but i bet it will be soon. I need to do that. For alot of things.

I've finally triumphed over arguably the hardest year of my life. I've had so many setbacks and struggles this year, and they've all come to a halt. Now i can go be free. I...can't believe it.

And, for a while now, I've had a much different attitude about life than i used to. Life just...hands you so much shit. So many problems, that you've just got to go and show it that you aren't afraid of it. I've been more carefree than i've ever been. If i make a mistake, so be it. Everyone does. Life has treated me so awfully, that i just don't care. And i'm not drinking or partying or whatever either, but just...i fon't know. I want to be a kid. A stupid kid. For once. Now that i'm an adult, i realize that. I feel like i've missed out in a way i suppose, so i'm doing what i can now. In the comfort of a few close friends of course.

So, i guess that's it. That's how i've bee feeling for the past...year i guess.

Also, i have no idea what it is, but i feel like something's been missing. For a while now. I mean, i have everything i need right now. I have a job, i don't have to go to school, i have an amazing girlfriend, and for some reason, i'm not as happy as i think i should be. I mean, i've been okay, but i simply feel there's something else i need. And it isn't there. Perhaps my adult-itude is making me think weird things. I'm not entirely sure. Maybe i should write here more often? It might be more therapeudic/cethartic to do it. I don't know, i've always felt better after writing about/crying over things that bother me.

Well, thanks for reading, if you did in fact read it. Feel free to leave comments if you want to talk. Any questions about life, me, my life, whatever, i don't care. Just um...i don't know. But if you want to comment, go ahead.