Monday, July 19, 2010

You Are the Only...Inception...

Friday night...what an eventful one.

I got off work at 6:00 in the evening, and went to a barbecue that my friend was having. We were to have hot dogs and s'mores I was uder the assumptionthat we were having both hamburgers and hot dogs, so i asked for one of each. I totlly should have said not to worry about it when i was told that we weren't having hamburgers and that we could thaw sme meat from the freezer, but everything was happening so fast, and i was tired, so...yeah.'s what happened.

We thawe the meat, and we didn't have any buns for such things, so i was fashioned a hamburger...shaped like a hot dog. We called it hamburdog. It tasted excellent. For real. And then s'mores.

The next half of the evening was devoted to seeing Inception. We were going to go at 9:40, so we left for Century Theatres to make that show. Here's the rub(s):

1. There was only a certain amount of room in the vehicle we were taking, so 3 of our 5 had to lay in the back, covered by blankets. It was exhilerating and horrifying at the same time. Being slightly jerked around, my head banging against the back of the truck bed, and as a cruel joke, being drug through the Aloha High School parking lot, equipped with multiple speed bumps. Fun, no?

2. 9:40 was sold out.

So, we had to wait an extra hour for the 10:40. I went with someone to WinCo to buy energy drinks. Success there. I got 2 for about $1.50. And we got back to the theater, sat around and talked for a little bit, then we were let in. 

We saw trailers for The Social Network, aka the facebook movie, which actually looks pretty good. Also, Due Date, Dinner For Schmucks, Red, The Town, u...i forget if there were more. But! Then the film began. And then we got to the halfway point, and i started to have to pee. The feeling escelated throughout the rest of the movie, and when it was finally over, it was all i could think about. The movie was great and all, it really was. But then peed for about 3 miinutes.

So, after that, i did the truck thing on the way back to the friend's house, and then i was taken home. The truck adventures resulted in me having a scrape/bruise on my arm, but it wasn't even a big deal and that was the only problem. But i was tird the next day at work. Oh well. That wasn't that bad either.

I'm glad today is Saturday.

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