Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Know Exactly Why I Walk and Talk Like a Machine

Hola, chldren. How are you? Good? I don't care. Let's get to it.

Sunday went off with little to no hitches. I arrived at the Shilo Inn around 2 o'clock, and waited afor about an hour. They brought us in, talked to us for about 10 minutes, and sent us back out.

The plan was to have the actors necessary to try their scene in front of camera, then swap one the actors out for another, for checking on chemistry, blah blah.

Both the scenes i was in felt good.I had energy, i thought i conveyed it well. Then i was brought in individually. I didn't get the role i auditioned for. But i do have a supporting role in the film, and i am in 3 or 4 scenes.

So, there that is. Bye.

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