Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Began to Smile and I Said "Oh, You Should've Seen Me a Couple of Years Ago"

Alrighty, well, now that you're caught up on my life, and my emotions at the moment, i thought it would be fitting to...keep doing that...

So, today was (emphasis on DAY)...well, i don't even remember. Only a couple things. We all got free salads at lunch, there. But other than that, today was kind of a fail day. Work-related i mean. I kept getting told by one person in particular how to do things, like i didn't know already. I mean, i know she means well, but let me just do it y way, and see what happens, and then you can correct me. Seriously.

Also,i hate to feel this way, but i feel like half of the people there don't like me. As in, i'm not getting a comfortable vibe from them at all. It could be my rookie-ness, maybe i come off or came off as a dick to them, i'm not sure. I do hope it turns around though. The people i feel comfortable with are really nice though.

Following work, i had some time with my girlfriend, which has not happened in only god knows how long. Went to Taco Bell for dinner, and just basically hung out for a while. It was perfect, and very long overdue, and very much needed. Then, i came home, plopped myself down on this dining table chair, and began typing. I am currentl hungry as fffuuuu- and Snowball won't shut his goddamn trap.

Tomorrow should be...rather interesting. Let me give you a little backstory.

Okay, a few months ago, my mother saw on that there was to be an audition for a film in Portland. She told me about it, i looked into it, and decided to give my best shot. We both sat there for hours waiting for my numbe to be called, and when it finally was, i said my lines, twice, then exited. I was extremely pessimistic about the whole thing. Until i recieved an email a few weeks later from the director of the film. It said that i made it to callback auditions, and that i was in the top 3 for my role.

So, tomorrow, i mustreturn to the hallowed ground that is the Shilo Inn, and read my new lines in front of a camera, etc. I'm a tiny bit nervous, but you know...i'll do my damndest to get that part, and if i don't, i'll have a great experience trying.

I can't wait. Wish me luck, why don't you?

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