Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Inquiring Minds

Walking through the back room at my work today, and i got the urge to check my phone. I do that when i'm back there. So what?

It appears i got a a text from Jason, the guy who is the director/writer of the movie i auditioned for. It told of consideration of expanding my role, and asked if i wanted to meet for coffee tomorrow morning. I accepted, obvs. He asked what part of town i was in, i told him, Hillsboro, and he said he'd email me instead. Well, he did. The emaii stated that i was now up for the role i initially auditioned for. I was invited to the script read in August, and i will. Go. To. That. Shit. No joke.

So, as you could imagine, I was freaking out the whole rest of the day. And i was ectatic, beyond all comprehension. That is, until i had to walk home. You see, our car is...broken. So, it got towed away today, to the car doctor. We'll know the deets tomorow. But i had to take the bus home, and walk about 2 miles home. It was great. And also i had a bag of groceries i bought in order for myself to celebrate my awesomness, and it started to get a hole in the bottom and then i finally got to my street. Which was cool, except the sun was right in my face. I couldn't see anything, and i was sweating like cah-ray-zee. But then i got home.

Yep. There that is. Mm...bye.

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