Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Shock and Ah, That's Nasty!

I just wanted to say that.

Today was fine, but for some reason i couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get to my last class. I was like yesterday all over again! I swear, I'm getting old! What's wrong woth me?

I finally made up my list of Christmas gifts. It consists only of DVDs and games. Yeah, what a pathetic, sheltered life i live.

I'm listening to the new Darkness album, so far it's rockin'. Alright, I'll leave you be.

1) "I would be horrible on Cribs. This is my stuff...you guys want a Coke?"

- Brian Posehn (Comedians of Comedy)

2) Listening: The Darkness - One Way Ticket to Hell...And Back

Monday, November 28, 2005

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today was in a word. PYGOH. Well, in an acronym. Puke Your Guts Out Hell. Yoday was horrible. To start, i've lost my mind. I almost where some of my classes were. I got there on time though. then, when lunch came, i ate by myself for the whole time. The friend i promised to eat with before was nowhere to be found. At the end of the day, it was raining kittens and pups, my friends. We waited and waited and our bus never came, we had to go to the cafeteria until it did. It finally did, i got home fifteen minutes later than i usually do. And now, i have a wicked case of the hiccups which are causing me to type like Hell.

So, that's it.

1) "I like coffee...I feel tired..."

- Sir Track (Liam Lynch)

2) currently watching: some Adult Swim i taped last night

Saturday, November 26, 2005

So It's Begun.

My boycott of the FOX network.

You know why? It's starting to pop up everywhere. News headlines saying that they canceled my favorite show. If you don't know what it is, then go buy yourselves a copy of each of those season DVDs, send numerous hate letters to FOX, and just maybe, we could have the same fate as Family Guy.

I also can't even bear to stomch that they allow shows for retards like Temptation Island and Stacked and American Dad and The War at Home. From what i can tell, no one watches these shows. They are completely classless and vulgar. The only shows I'll even bother to watch and American Idol and 24. Because they never rerun those.

For God's sake, this show's won about 6 Emmy's in it's two years! Do you not like awards? Is that some sort of weird fear of people liking you we don't know about? It's like, "It's not in the top 10? Throw it in the crapper." Me and millions of people are feeling trashed and cheated by this, FOX. You've REALLY outdone yourself this time. Here's alist of shows FOX has scrapped, that have actually been good, look at this, and see how big it is.

  • Family Guy (twice, before being brought back)
  • Andy Richter Controls the Universe
  • Firefly
  • John Doe
  • Kitchen Confidential (after only 3 episodes)
  • Wonderfalls (After only 4)
  • Futurama

Also, remember last year when all of this happened? People signed the petition YOU GUYS started. Thousands, might i add. It was the top of the list of shows people wanted to save. I also heard you dropped My Name is Earl and Everybody Hates Chris, now they have turned into hits, and you all look like raving lunatic idiots.

Thank you, and good day.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Shake it Around

By that, i mean, the fat of myself and others after the wonderous feast we partook. Today, of course, was Thanksgiving. We ate at our uncle's house. My aunt's mom was there too. She's pretty nice. I can't believe i'm getting a new cousin in a week. This is call for celebration.

Also today, we're watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the first time, and we've had it for more than a week. Also, i thnk maybe this weekend we're going to see that Johnny Cash movie with my uncle. It looks pretty good.

Well, I'll talk at you when i feel like it. Have a happy-dappy T!

1) "We have a private eye now?"
"I hired him to find out if i was cheating on your father, he never did find anything."
"Well, he can't be very good then."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently playing - Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Burn the Witch

It's the new Queens of the Stone Age song. It's really cool.

Today we have the day off from school. I'm grateful for that. Not much else to write about. Wow, this became boring in a split second. Let me list what i be listening to right now.

Burn the Witch - QOTSA
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo - Bloodhound Gang
Juice Box - The Strokes
The Denial Twist - The White Stripes
Trapped in the Closet: Chapters 6-8 - R. Kelly
One Way Ticket - The Darkness

That's it.

1) "I woke up in a pile of swe atshirts!"

- Fall Float Parade

2) You just saw

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Oh, That's Funny...

I have a five-day weekend for Turkey-Lurkey Days! It's pretty sweet.

I haven't mentioned my school yet. I go to Crayton Middle School. It's mostly black, not that there's anyhiung wrong with that. So far, I've met tons of people and have gobs of friends. Some chicks, too.

There are two people who i think are pretty cool: Eddie, and Warren. They're really funny.

Enough about that. Let's talk turkey (giggedy giggedy). What are my plans? I'm going to my uncle's house, Liz is making cranberry sauce, and it looks like I'll be eating. That'll be my contribution.

I honestly can't wait to get my greasy mits on that new Homestar Runner DVD. The one with all the shorts and Marzipan Answering Machines and Teen Girl Squad things and they even have lost Puppet Jams! The anticipation grows to the Nth degree.

1) "Everybody quiet down!"
"Yeah, quiet down, you sons of bitches!"

- South Park

2) Currently listening to: The Strokes - Juice Box

Monday, November 21, 2005

Way-O, Way-O

And so it began. Two days after my birthday, as i sit in the car, watching my Arrested Development Season 2 DVDs!!!!!!!!! And Scrubs, and The Office (US), and Will Ferrel 2, blah blah blah. i feel gloomy and depressed, as i see my home vanish before my eyes. We drive for five days, about. Stay in Motel 6, almost every night. I hizz-ated Motel 6. A-frickin lot. It was udder hell. Hades.

Well, last Tuesday, we rolled in South Carolina, We settled in a house on Saturday. Watched our first live SNL. It was special. Then Monday rolled in. Oh, did Monday roll in. I was all set to watch Arrested Development. I was incredibly anxious. Then comes 8:00. Guess-a What-a? Prison Break 2 hour event! Oh, you can not believe how sorrowed i was. It's not on tonight either. This is a dark day. I am questioning ever watching FOX again. I'll just catch everything in reruns. I don't give a flaming sack of crap if they even go out of business one day. Let 'em, please. Be my guest, Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilos.

1) "I think the writers get their stuff from the Internets."

- Will Arnett (TV Guide Channel behind-the-scenes of AD)

Cry, Cry...Sob, Sob

We got a house.

See how i played that off as not a big deal? Cuz, really, it is.

I'm scared for my life. I fear for my favorite television program. Can't talk much, dinner's almost up. I'll run it down after.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Oh, Happy Day...Scary Scary Chapter 3

Today is my birthday.

Guess what? WE GOT THE FLIPPIN' HOUSE MONEY!!!!!!!!!

I am sooooo excited. It came into the bank account at 12:00 PM on the dot. It's such a sweet day. The truck and our lunch is on the way as i speak. This is my final post for a couple days. Weeks, maybe. Anyways, this is ninetieth post. Ten more till the big party. I think I'm gonna say blog 100 times. So, get ready for that.

1) "Why don't you wear a big belt buckle, that's what my Uncle Kool-Aid does!"
"You have an Uncle Kool-Aid?"
"Leave Kool-Aid out of this, please!"

- Saturday Night Live

"Tell me why that pig hates Jewish people!"


"Baby, you've got a witch's brew goin'!"

- Halloween Potion-Ma-Jig (H'Ween 2005 H*R toon)

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development Season 2
Firefly: The Complete Series
School of Rock
The Incredibles
Conan 10th Anniversary
Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns
Undercover Brother
Liam Lynch: Fake Movies

Currently listening to: White Stripes
Modest Mouse
Barenaked Ladies
much, much more