Monday, November 28, 2005

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today was in a word. PYGOH. Well, in an acronym. Puke Your Guts Out Hell. Yoday was horrible. To start, i've lost my mind. I almost where some of my classes were. I got there on time though. then, when lunch came, i ate by myself for the whole time. The friend i promised to eat with before was nowhere to be found. At the end of the day, it was raining kittens and pups, my friends. We waited and waited and our bus never came, we had to go to the cafeteria until it did. It finally did, i got home fifteen minutes later than i usually do. And now, i have a wicked case of the hiccups which are causing me to type like Hell.

So, that's it.

1) "I like coffee...I feel tired..."

- Sir Track (Liam Lynch)

2) currently watching: some Adult Swim i taped last night

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