Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Oh, Happy Day...Scary Scary Chapter 3

Today is my birthday.

Guess what? WE GOT THE FLIPPIN' HOUSE MONEY!!!!!!!!!

I am sooooo excited. It came into the bank account at 12:00 PM on the dot. It's such a sweet day. The truck and our lunch is on the way as i speak. This is my final post for a couple days. Weeks, maybe. Anyways, this is ninetieth post. Ten more till the big party. I think I'm gonna say blog 100 times. So, get ready for that.

1) "Why don't you wear a big belt buckle, that's what my Uncle Kool-Aid does!"
"You have an Uncle Kool-Aid?"
"Leave Kool-Aid out of this, please!"

- Saturday Night Live

"Tell me why that pig hates Jewish people!"


"Baby, you've got a witch's brew goin'!"

- Halloween Potion-Ma-Jig (H'Ween 2005 H*R toon)

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development Season 2
Firefly: The Complete Series
School of Rock
The Incredibles
Conan 10th Anniversary
Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns
Undercover Brother
Liam Lynch: Fake Movies

Currently listening to: White Stripes
Modest Mouse
Barenaked Ladies
much, much more

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