Thursday, November 24, 2005

Shake it Around

By that, i mean, the fat of myself and others after the wonderous feast we partook. Today, of course, was Thanksgiving. We ate at our uncle's house. My aunt's mom was there too. She's pretty nice. I can't believe i'm getting a new cousin in a week. This is call for celebration.

Also today, we're watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the first time, and we've had it for more than a week. Also, i thnk maybe this weekend we're going to see that Johnny Cash movie with my uncle. It looks pretty good.

Well, I'll talk at you when i feel like it. Have a happy-dappy T!

1) "We have a private eye now?"
"I hired him to find out if i was cheating on your father, he never did find anything."
"Well, he can't be very good then."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently playing - Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

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