Saturday, November 26, 2005

So It's Begun.

My boycott of the FOX network.

You know why? It's starting to pop up everywhere. News headlines saying that they canceled my favorite show. If you don't know what it is, then go buy yourselves a copy of each of those season DVDs, send numerous hate letters to FOX, and just maybe, we could have the same fate as Family Guy.

I also can't even bear to stomch that they allow shows for retards like Temptation Island and Stacked and American Dad and The War at Home. From what i can tell, no one watches these shows. They are completely classless and vulgar. The only shows I'll even bother to watch and American Idol and 24. Because they never rerun those.

For God's sake, this show's won about 6 Emmy's in it's two years! Do you not like awards? Is that some sort of weird fear of people liking you we don't know about? It's like, "It's not in the top 10? Throw it in the crapper." Me and millions of people are feeling trashed and cheated by this, FOX. You've REALLY outdone yourself this time. Here's alist of shows FOX has scrapped, that have actually been good, look at this, and see how big it is.

  • Family Guy (twice, before being brought back)
  • Andy Richter Controls the Universe
  • Firefly
  • John Doe
  • Kitchen Confidential (after only 3 episodes)
  • Wonderfalls (After only 4)
  • Futurama

Also, remember last year when all of this happened? People signed the petition YOU GUYS started. Thousands, might i add. It was the top of the list of shows people wanted to save. I also heard you dropped My Name is Earl and Everybody Hates Chris, now they have turned into hits, and you all look like raving lunatic idiots.

Thank you, and good day.

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