Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Oh, That's Funny...

I have a five-day weekend for Turkey-Lurkey Days! It's pretty sweet.

I haven't mentioned my school yet. I go to Crayton Middle School. It's mostly black, not that there's anyhiung wrong with that. So far, I've met tons of people and have gobs of friends. Some chicks, too.

There are two people who i think are pretty cool: Eddie, and Warren. They're really funny.

Enough about that. Let's talk turkey (giggedy giggedy). What are my plans? I'm going to my uncle's house, Liz is making cranberry sauce, and it looks like I'll be eating. That'll be my contribution.

I honestly can't wait to get my greasy mits on that new Homestar Runner DVD. The one with all the shorts and Marzipan Answering Machines and Teen Girl Squad things and they even have lost Puppet Jams! The anticipation grows to the Nth degree.

1) "Everybody quiet down!"
"Yeah, quiet down, you sons of bitches!"

- South Park

2) Currently listening to: The Strokes - Juice Box

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