Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Probably the Worst Friday Ever.

Yeah, we're getting the truck tomorrow, then we're loading it for who knows how long. Tyhen we'll be finished and then...well...[sigh] we start driving. And driving, and driving.

Just to let you know, this will officially be my last post for a few weeks. This rusted, crusty old compa will be packed up, wrapped in the bubbles, and placed squarely in the Budget truck. Then, we'll get to the 503, then we'll not have internets for a few weeks. So, i'm guessing about 3 or 4 weeks. About how much last time was.

So, um...yeah. I still need to get my room completely box'd.

1) "We've been out for 2 months, representing Portland, and no city compares. Except San Francisco. And New York's pretty cool to hang out too. But i would never live in these places, only here, in Portland. Or maybe some place in Montana."

- Colin Meloy (A Practical Handbook DVD)

2) Currently watching/cl2: Alot of things, actually. It's crazy!

Monday, May 28, 2007

I Still Can't Believe...

In only a few days, less than a week, my life will turn around completely, again.

It's literally unbelievable.

I'll miss everybody i met (almost) blah blah blah.

This, unfortunately, is the only thing i can write about.

Friday, May 25, 2007

That Stupid, Crazy Dog.

Go here, right now. 'Tis hilarious.

Or watch Potter Puppet Pals. They're both outstanding.

Well, i think i'm mildly ill. It better not get any worse, because i'll be feeling this way during the drive home. That, trust me, will not be pleasant.

So, last night, our family met Chip's family. They're really nice people, too bad we didn't meet them sooner. Honestly. That sucks.

I want somebody, right now, to come to my house, whether it be by teleportation, hot air balloon, monorail, or what have you. I'm really, thoroughly bored. You would honestly not believe.

Hoo, lordies.

1) "I'm not gonna stay here, but i'm leaving."

- Strangers With Candy

2) currently wondering: How do i stop the Opera Error Console from popping up?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rapid Patience Loss

Yesterday...not a very eventful day.

I got up, ate breakfast, went to school. Took the hike to the drama room, not open. Nobody inside. I returned my library book, and the rest of my textbooks. Went back, Edward showed up. We hung out for a while, took another book back to Ms. Gourdine, went back. Still nobody there. Walked down to the parking lot. Edward's mother picked him up, i walked.

Fun day, no?

I really should have yelled "Fuck AC Flora!" as i walked away, but i didn't.

So now it's summer. My life will be in a whole new place in mere weeks.

1) "Oh, I'm not with these fellas. I got a piggin' competition over at the livestock pavilion, and i am gonna win that blue ribbon!"

- That Thing You Do!

2) cl2: Icky Thump - White Stripes

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Today, It Starts

My grandparents fly in tonight.

Then we go around, sightseeing in the city. There are no freaking sights.

Then we get the moving truck.

Then we load boxes into said truck.

Then we drive.

Then we arrive in OR.

Then we find a house.

Rent it.

Live in it.

Start my sophmore year at Hilhi.

Graduate in 2010.

Live my life.

Reign of Depression

Today was technically the last day of school. Avery came and visited, he does that every five minutes. I said goodbye to many people today. I looked back on a place that i wish i'd never been. I'm completely serious. AC Flora was teh suck. Totes.

I'm going tomorrow though, to say my offcial goodbyes. I'm spending the entire day in the drama room. That place is my fricking spot! My spot, man!

Who wants to read the lyrics to my "theme song"?

I was meant for the stage
I was meant for the curtain
I was meant to tread these boards
of this much I am certain

I was meant for the crowd
I was meant for the shouting
I was meant to raise these hands with quiet all about me
Oh, whoa...

Mother please be proud
Father be forgiven
Even though you told me: 'Son
you'll never make a living.'
Oh, whoa...

And from the floor boards to the flights
Here I was fated to reside
And as I take my final bow
Was there ever any doubt?
And as the spotlights fade away
And you're escorted through the foyer
You will resume your callow ways
But I was meant for the stage

The heavens at my birth
Intended me for stardom
Rays of light shine down on me and
all my sins were pardoned

I was meant for applause
I was meant for derision
Nothing short of fate itself had
affected my decision,
Oh, whoa...

From the floorboards to the flights
Here I was fitted to reside
And as I take my final bow
Was there ever any doubt?
And as the spotlights fade away
and you're escorted through the foyer
You will resume your callow ways
But I was meant for the stage

The Decemberists rule my damn world.

2) cl2: Her Majesty - The Decemberists

Sunday, May 20, 2007

AEOAS Part 2

Yeah, there's a part two.

Metalocalypse: Ver well animated show, very interesting plot, very good season finale. Can't wait till this fall!

Frisky Dingo: Not many shows get that good in ther first seasons. Hmm...

Reno 911!: Funny. Very funny. We got to see Terry, Frisbee, Big Mike, and everybody else. Paul Reubens guest starred, and it was priceless. Dangle finally came out of the closet, and so id Garcia, surprisingly.

Um...i think that's it now. Or maybe not...?!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Do Not Hurt Back!

So, we started the big packing job today, and it's really depressing. I kind of don't want to do it, at all. I need some cheer up juice.

1) "You know, we're all human giants."

- Will Arnett (Human Giant: 24)

2) cl2: Poodle Hat - Weird Al Yankovic

Friday, May 18, 2007

An End of a Season

It's the time whem i sum up the TV season. I've never done it before, but i will now.

The Office: Last night was the end to an outstanding year of The Office. From "Gay Witch Hunt" to "Grief Counseling" to us finding out who Jan really is and the realtionship between Jim, Karen and Pam. Jim dumped Karen shortly after realizing who she was, and at the last minute of the season, asked Pam to dinner. We really found out who people really were this year. Karen, Jan, Roy, Daryl and Andy.

Heroes: The year hasn't quiter ended yet, but this show is amazing. It goes much faster than...

Lost: This year isn't over either, but it was an okay year for it. We got a huge shocker at the very beginning of the year, and i doubt we won't get anything this Wednesday.

Scrubs: Started off a little meh, but got better. "My Musical" was the highlight of the year. "My No Good Reason" and "My Long Goodbye" were very emotional, and the final 2 episodes were very well done.

30 Rock: Holy crap. New best comedy ever. I really must say. Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan are very good in this show, you'd not believe.

I think that's it...Is there more? If so, expect part 2 shortly.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Let's Have an Actual Post Now.

Nothing has really been going on. Exams have been happening, if you like that sort of thing. The year is showiung signs of coming to a close.

See? I can't think of anything exciting. That's the reason i haven't been doing formal posts lately.


1) "Eat my shorts, Ken!"
"SHUT UP! I'll kick your ass!"

- That Thins You Do!

2) cl2: Eyes - Rogue Wave

It's Happening

It is happening.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Reflections on a Year and 1/2

The day we moved into our new house, i was feeling quite nervous. I had no idea how the next possibly forever would turn out. Nor even the next day. I had met nobody besides out landlord and his crazy wife. How on Earth would i know that Columbia would be a hellhole of insanity? Full of racists, homophobes, and idiots?

The very day i started school (mind my language in a second), i asked what kind of music somebody liked, and i was replied to with the words "nigger music". Yeah. That's exactly what was said.

When i first started school, nobody was like me, i felt. I was lost amongst a sea of people. A sea of strangers. I hated just about everbody. I confided in the world's worst confidants. I'm not joking, i think they thought i was retarded or something, so they talked to me. And i knew full and well they were making fun of me behind my back. They were horrible people, and if they're reading this now (why in the hell would they?), i just wanted to tell them that they're stupid, insensitive, spoiled and that they need many kicks in the trousers. You know the kind of people who tell you complete lies to make you look stupid and laugh at you? They were just those people.

I had no real people to get along with or people i really wanted to hang out with, at all. I did nothing with anybody, and everything with nobody. I met no one as cool as me [egotism/] until the 9th grade. That's 9 full months of no real friends. 9 months.

When 9th grade started, i was still feeling the leftover hell the proverbial ladel had dished onto my proverbial plate from last year. August 8th, i wasn't that happy. August 9th, my first day of drama class. Oh my god, i was blown away. There were actual, really cool people there and i couldn't believe it. I'd thought that South Carolina was full of the human vomit i'd seen the previous year (pardon my French).

Actual people, woth sensitivity! personality! Even down-right coolness! I couldn't believe my eyes, or my brain.

Then the play started. I was even more blown away. I met even more people. And when we played improv games in class, i really got myself out there. People actually knew me, who i was and what i was. I met the most cool and incredible people through the AC Flora Drama Department. If any of you guys are reading this (you probably are), i wanna say this:

I love you all. I have no idea where i would be if i didn't meet you guys. You're the only reason i want to stay. You have absolutely no diea how much you mean to me. I'll miss you all so much. Promise you'll stay in contact with me, and whn i finish writing my movie/play/tv show, i want you all to be in it/work on it with me. If i have to track you down, i will. You have no idea how much i love you and how much i will miss you.

I want all of you to graduate and think of me when you walk across that stage in 2008/9/10. I'll be thinking of all of you too.

What else is there to say but...


Friday, May 11, 2007


Answer the questions in the space provided

Why does Granny Smith applesauce make me cough?

Why does Dr. Pepper make my stomach hurt?

Why is the stuff coming off my glasses when i did nothing to make that happen?

Why do i type like hell on a laptop?

Why are laptops so stupid?

Can't they just use regular mouses?

They can't throw in a small little peripheral in there?

Why do things cost money?

Why can't i say words?


As I Look Through The Binder Of The Songs I Always Write...

I realize how i'm going to be as a solo artist. 5GB had to disband, David had to quit because of health problems. I'm thinking of at lewast recording some of my stuff and put it on a CD. I have tons of material.

  • Near Incurable (parody of "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce)
  • Get Away
  • What I Do
  • I Need a Break
  • When I'm Out A-Whorin'
  • Suitcase Nuke (parody of "O Valencia!" by The Decemberists)
  • It's Your Fault
  • Halloween (parody of "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race" by Fall Out Boy)
  • Jessica
  • I'm in A Good Mood
  • Run
  • I Want
  • Give Me a Hint
  • Screaming
  • Sincerely, Me
  • Cliche Song
  • Convention (parody of "Intervention" by Arcade Fire
  • Whale's Lament (parody/sequel of/to "The Mariner's Revenge Song" by The Decemberists)
I know right? Alot. I think i'm calling the album Falling Off the Horse Before You Get On. It will be sensational.

May. The First Post. Halfaway Through (Almost).

Wow, that was a long wait, right? Actually, i was trying to help myself out. I think i've just about done it. I think i'm ready for the year to be over now.

I now need to start planning my End-of-Year-Me-And-Liz-Going-Away-Cryfest-Extravaganza-07. It will be amazing. I suppose there will be some sort of hug train/line/circle. A portion where people share their favorite memories of me and my sister, Giving away of going away presents. Speaking of...

I got my first going away present. Edward gave me The Producers (2005) on DVD. I'd seen it before, and adored it. It was perfect.

Speaking of perfect, the drama awards ceremony was held last Saturday, the 5th. I got an outstanding plaque, which i plan to die with, and a "paper plate award" which is usually given to only seniors, but i was a special exception. I got the coveted "Most Likely To Hug Everyone in the World While Hugging Them, That's What She Said" award. The awards are personalized for something that you're "famous" for. It was a very great day for me.

So, has given me the solution to almost all of my troubles. How to hack Google and get some free mp3s! It's literally the coolest thing ever. search it if you don't believe me.

1) "Now, let's assume you're a dishonest man."
"Assume away."

- Teh Pr0d00c3rz

2) CL2 - Wincing the Night Away - The Shins