Friday, May 11, 2007

As I Look Through The Binder Of The Songs I Always Write...

I realize how i'm going to be as a solo artist. 5GB had to disband, David had to quit because of health problems. I'm thinking of at lewast recording some of my stuff and put it on a CD. I have tons of material.

  • Near Incurable (parody of "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce)
  • Get Away
  • What I Do
  • I Need a Break
  • When I'm Out A-Whorin'
  • Suitcase Nuke (parody of "O Valencia!" by The Decemberists)
  • It's Your Fault
  • Halloween (parody of "This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race" by Fall Out Boy)
  • Jessica
  • I'm in A Good Mood
  • Run
  • I Want
  • Give Me a Hint
  • Screaming
  • Sincerely, Me
  • Cliche Song
  • Convention (parody of "Intervention" by Arcade Fire
  • Whale's Lament (parody/sequel of/to "The Mariner's Revenge Song" by The Decemberists)
I know right? Alot. I think i'm calling the album Falling Off the Horse Before You Get On. It will be sensational.

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