Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Reign of Depression

Today was technically the last day of school. Avery came and visited, he does that every five minutes. I said goodbye to many people today. I looked back on a place that i wish i'd never been. I'm completely serious. AC Flora was teh suck. Totes.

I'm going tomorrow though, to say my offcial goodbyes. I'm spending the entire day in the drama room. That place is my fricking spot! My spot, man!

Who wants to read the lyrics to my "theme song"?

I was meant for the stage
I was meant for the curtain
I was meant to tread these boards
of this much I am certain

I was meant for the crowd
I was meant for the shouting
I was meant to raise these hands with quiet all about me
Oh, whoa...

Mother please be proud
Father be forgiven
Even though you told me: 'Son
you'll never make a living.'
Oh, whoa...

And from the floor boards to the flights
Here I was fated to reside
And as I take my final bow
Was there ever any doubt?
And as the spotlights fade away
And you're escorted through the foyer
You will resume your callow ways
But I was meant for the stage

The heavens at my birth
Intended me for stardom
Rays of light shine down on me and
all my sins were pardoned

I was meant for applause
I was meant for derision
Nothing short of fate itself had
affected my decision,
Oh, whoa...

From the floorboards to the flights
Here I was fitted to reside
And as I take my final bow
Was there ever any doubt?
And as the spotlights fade away
and you're escorted through the foyer
You will resume your callow ways
But I was meant for the stage

The Decemberists rule my damn world.

2) cl2: Her Majesty - The Decemberists

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