Sunday, May 13, 2007

Reflections on a Year and 1/2

The day we moved into our new house, i was feeling quite nervous. I had no idea how the next possibly forever would turn out. Nor even the next day. I had met nobody besides out landlord and his crazy wife. How on Earth would i know that Columbia would be a hellhole of insanity? Full of racists, homophobes, and idiots?

The very day i started school (mind my language in a second), i asked what kind of music somebody liked, and i was replied to with the words "nigger music". Yeah. That's exactly what was said.

When i first started school, nobody was like me, i felt. I was lost amongst a sea of people. A sea of strangers. I hated just about everbody. I confided in the world's worst confidants. I'm not joking, i think they thought i was retarded or something, so they talked to me. And i knew full and well they were making fun of me behind my back. They were horrible people, and if they're reading this now (why in the hell would they?), i just wanted to tell them that they're stupid, insensitive, spoiled and that they need many kicks in the trousers. You know the kind of people who tell you complete lies to make you look stupid and laugh at you? They were just those people.

I had no real people to get along with or people i really wanted to hang out with, at all. I did nothing with anybody, and everything with nobody. I met no one as cool as me [egotism/] until the 9th grade. That's 9 full months of no real friends. 9 months.

When 9th grade started, i was still feeling the leftover hell the proverbial ladel had dished onto my proverbial plate from last year. August 8th, i wasn't that happy. August 9th, my first day of drama class. Oh my god, i was blown away. There were actual, really cool people there and i couldn't believe it. I'd thought that South Carolina was full of the human vomit i'd seen the previous year (pardon my French).

Actual people, woth sensitivity! personality! Even down-right coolness! I couldn't believe my eyes, or my brain.

Then the play started. I was even more blown away. I met even more people. And when we played improv games in class, i really got myself out there. People actually knew me, who i was and what i was. I met the most cool and incredible people through the AC Flora Drama Department. If any of you guys are reading this (you probably are), i wanna say this:

I love you all. I have no idea where i would be if i didn't meet you guys. You're the only reason i want to stay. You have absolutely no diea how much you mean to me. I'll miss you all so much. Promise you'll stay in contact with me, and whn i finish writing my movie/play/tv show, i want you all to be in it/work on it with me. If i have to track you down, i will. You have no idea how much i love you and how much i will miss you.

I want all of you to graduate and think of me when you walk across that stage in 2008/9/10. I'll be thinking of all of you too.

What else is there to say but...


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