Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rapid Patience Loss

Yesterday...not a very eventful day.

I got up, ate breakfast, went to school. Took the hike to the drama room, not open. Nobody inside. I returned my library book, and the rest of my textbooks. Went back, Edward showed up. We hung out for a while, took another book back to Ms. Gourdine, went back. Still nobody there. Walked down to the parking lot. Edward's mother picked him up, i walked.

Fun day, no?

I really should have yelled "Fuck AC Flora!" as i walked away, but i didn't.

So now it's summer. My life will be in a whole new place in mere weeks.

1) "Oh, I'm not with these fellas. I got a piggin' competition over at the livestock pavilion, and i am gonna win that blue ribbon!"

- That Thing You Do!

2) cl2: Icky Thump - White Stripes

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