Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where Did You Come From? Where Did You Go?

So...winter formal was really nice/weird.

Sam came and picked us up, and we got ready. We went to the ATM and then the school. We got tickets and went in.

Ben and Ariel were there, surprisingly. Even after they said they wouldn't.

So, the music selection was mostly craptastic. They obviously played Soulja Boy and things of that sort. But they also played Macarena and Cotton-Eyed Joe, and some techno song that's great. And the Cha-Cha Slide. Ben asked the guy if he was going to play anything good, and he said they were going to play Thriller, but alas, there was no Thriller. Although Ben did get a bunch of guys from the play and we did some of our Luck Be a Lady dance.

Well, we got many drinks, and sat down numerous times, but it was still great.

When it was over, we went to Safeway and got some Ben and Jerry's. My hands got all sticky and i needed to wash my hands. i got home and my bones were aching so bad, i could have cried. I'm serious. i went to bed shortly after.

And there's my day! [curtain closes, squeaks]


- Sam teaching me the Macarena (and now i know it)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

An Apology at Lunchtime

I'm sorry for the lack of posts this month. I'm just busy wih rehearsals and other things. I have a life, i guess, so this isn't all i do anymore.

So, my day was eventful yesterday. It was my sister's birthday, and we were going to go to Chevy's. Sam and I didn't know if we were going to get out of play practice on time, so we left early. We went straight from the school to Chevy's, and waited for no more than 5 minutes for everyone else. We sat down, and i ordered the Nachos Grande. Of course. We finished, and Liz got the birthday singing and ice cream. She ate that crap, then we left. Sam, Cody, Liz and I drove to Costco first, and we parked, and then we turned around and drove away. Let me explain why.

So, the day before, Sam and I went there, because his plan was to fill Liz's locker with Tic-Tacs. We went to Costco, and then we asked the weird lady with a thick Asian accent if you had to be 18 to get a card. She sent us over to the next desk. We went there and we asked the lady if we could get a card if we weren't 18.


Fine, wench. So we went back to the house and got my dad's card. That didn't work either because cards aren't transferable. Then we went and cleared out 2 mini-marts. So...we hate Costco.

So, we were going to get Cody a card last night, then we changed our minds. We drove to Burgerville and Sam got Liz and him milkshakes. Then went back home.

We watched Liz's newly acquired DVD of Hairspray, which, I'll admit, is a pretty good movie. At almost the end, Ariel came over, and after the movie, we went to see 27 Dresses. I'm sorry, but that movie sucked. It was so cliched and not very funny at all. And the two main characters didn't have any chemistry. It simply didn't work.

So, we came home and Liz went to bed. And then i did too.

And now here i am, writing about it.

Also, I'm going to Winter Formal tonight. S'gonn' be sweet.

1) "So i hear you're going to be gone for a while. How long are you leaving us, Brenda?"
"...Just 9 months."

- Hairspray

2) currently wanting to see - Be Kind Rewind (February 22nd!!!!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

'Tis a Wonderful Night...Or Day After the Begninning

So, Oscar nominations were announced. Juno!!! Nominated for Best Picture, Director, Screenplay and Actress. Darn academy thinking it's going to entice us. We all know it's not going to win. Maybe screenplay. I'm pulling for screenplay.

And that bullcrap Enchanted got 3 out of 5 songs nominated. 3! I'll choke someone, i swear it. If Falling Slowly wins, i'll die happy.

Anyway, not much happened today. Rehearsal was canceled. Whatever. Bye.

1) "That bird better pray he don't screw up my credit!"


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Incident Site U.S. 447

So, last night was Cloverfield night.

Sam picked Liz and I up and we went straight to the theatre. We got our tickets from the Fandango machine and went in. We met everyone else, and there were tons of people there. We waited for a few minutes, and then they let us in. We filled up the entire back row. It was awesome. We waited, watched trailers, and then we saw the teaser for Star Trek. I was nerding out, i swear. I can't wait for it, at all.

So, after that, the movie started. It started with text, then went on with the movie.

When the monster first attacks, that's the exact moment when the film clutches onto you. And believe me, from then until the end, it doesn't even think of letting go.

It was spectacular. I was freaking out, getting scared, covering my mouth with my hand, grasping my leg, all of that. I will say this right now. This waas the best theater-going experience in my life.

After it ended, we went home, and Liz and I could not sleep. It's not like we tried to, but we just couldn't. I finally retired at about 1:00. And today, i tried looking up all i could on what happened, any theories, and things like that.

And seeing that it is a work of JJ Abrams, there had to have been some sort of background stuff that people wouldn't normally see the first time. So, i would love to see it again, and keep a close watch for anything i could not have seen the first time.

I STRONGLY reccomend this movie. That is, if shaky cameras don't make you get nausea.

1) "Matthew, of all the wrong pronounciations of that man's name, you seem to have stumbled upon absolutely the worst one."

- NewsRadio

The Innernette

Wanna learn about an exciting new product? Here it is.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

And if I Were a Field, You Would Be in Clover

So, I'm seeing Cloverfield tomorrow. I'm excited as all hell, my friends.

The musical has been going better and better each day. Today's practice only took us an hour. It's usually almost 2.

So...a few day ago, we had some snow, and school was delayed 2 hours.

That same day, i just walked into PE after changing. I got handed a pass to go the library. In my PE clothes and in the FREEZING COLD. I felt really awkward, and what i had to do took almost the whole of the period, so i basically changed for nothing. Sometimes, life sucks.


1) "That's Lenardo, i bet he wants to kill the prince."
"I'm Lenardo. Boy, do i want the prince dead!"

- some comedia d'el arte we're reading in drama

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Caused Co

So, yesterday was quite interesting. Mom had gotten an unexpected bonus check, and we wee sitting around discussing how to spend. We landed on getting Guitar Hero 3 and getting stuff at Costco. So...we got one of those done.

Costco pretty much is amazing.

We got a box of gum. Jucy Fruit to be specific. Some Vitamin Water, jerky, muffins, and other things. All the versions we found og the game were for the PC, thank you.

Then we were off to FYE, where they only had the X360 and PS3 versions. Then to Target, where we came the closest. They had a game and guitar seperate, which was 100 dollars total. there either. We went to get boxes of drink. We went to Gamestop, where they had the PS3 version. Uuuuggghhhh.

So, we've settled on ordering the game online. Sure, it's not instant gratification, like we love so much, but i still get it. Knights of Cydonia, people!

So, a couple of posts ago was my 500th. I can't believe i'm halfway to 1000. Actually, i kind of can. I lie. And now, I'm off.

1) "Pledge sucks. Do they advertise on this show? Oh, they do? Pledge is a fine product."

- Late Night with Conan O'Brien

2) currently listening to: Made of Bricks - Kate Nash

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yesterday: What a Bitch

So, here's how my day went.

I had rehearsal after school, which took for-fucking-ever because our choreographer likes to keep us until we grow wizard-length beards.

So, we finally gt out, and Sam is taking me home. Ariel as well. Sam tells Ariel to go get the car and meet us at the sidewalk we were standing at. She siyts there for a few minutes, then we run over to her.

"The car won't start!"

So...We sit in the car for a few minutes, trying to think of who could give us a jump. Then some kid comes and says his mom can. So...she does. Luke decides he wants to tag along as well. We drive out of the school and to the Esplenade right past 7-11. The car dies...again. Some guy who was a tad creepy pulss us to the 7-11 parking lot and gives us a jump that lasts about 2 seconds. We all get out and Little M8iss Sunshine the car in to the Red Robin parking lot. We walk to Oil Can Henry's, which we found out did not sell batteries. We are told to mosey over to AutoZone, which we do.

I'm steping in huuuuuge puddles, and getting my socks almost dissolved from wetness. We get there, and we're told we need a bunch of handtools and time, which we do not have, because we are teenagers. So, we make the pilgrimage back to Red Robin, where we sit and get hot chocolate. Pretty much as soon as we get them, Luke leaves. Ariel orders fries, and later asks if we can make them bottomless. The guy does, and we get the check. The guy then says that the fries are on him.

Ariel's dad comes, gives her some clothes to change into, and gives Sam something too. I call my Dad, ask him to pick me up, and he does.

I got home at about 7:30-ish.

And now, here i am.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tila, You're a Whore

I really felt like saying that. So, i did.

Anyway, yesterday was a nice first of the year. My sister, Sam and I went to different places. We went to Fred Meyer, and walked around for 2 minutes. Then we tried to go to Marshall's but they were closed. Then Burgerville, then Starbuck's, then Target. I bought Ferris Bueller's Day Off, cu it was cheap and i wanted it.

Then we went to Blockbuster and looked at movies and then went home. All in all, it was a fun day.

God, that was one crappy ending. I apologize. I didn't know how to bring that to a close. And now i can't either. I can already tell THIS is going to be a great day...

1) "So, Summer...Have you learned human emotion yet?"

- Serenity (cast commentary)

2) currently about to listen to for the second time: We're So Starving by Panic! at the Disco