Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yesterday: What a Bitch

So, here's how my day went.

I had rehearsal after school, which took for-fucking-ever because our choreographer likes to keep us until we grow wizard-length beards.

So, we finally gt out, and Sam is taking me home. Ariel as well. Sam tells Ariel to go get the car and meet us at the sidewalk we were standing at. She siyts there for a few minutes, then we run over to her.

"The car won't start!"

So...We sit in the car for a few minutes, trying to think of who could give us a jump. Then some kid comes and says his mom can. So...she does. Luke decides he wants to tag along as well. We drive out of the school and to the Esplenade right past 7-11. The car dies...again. Some guy who was a tad creepy pulss us to the 7-11 parking lot and gives us a jump that lasts about 2 seconds. We all get out and Little M8iss Sunshine the car in to the Red Robin parking lot. We walk to Oil Can Henry's, which we found out did not sell batteries. We are told to mosey over to AutoZone, which we do.

I'm steping in huuuuuge puddles, and getting my socks almost dissolved from wetness. We get there, and we're told we need a bunch of handtools and time, which we do not have, because we are teenagers. So, we make the pilgrimage back to Red Robin, where we sit and get hot chocolate. Pretty much as soon as we get them, Luke leaves. Ariel orders fries, and later asks if we can make them bottomless. The guy does, and we get the check. The guy then says that the fries are on him.

Ariel's dad comes, gives her some clothes to change into, and gives Sam something too. I call my Dad, ask him to pick me up, and he does.

I got home at about 7:30-ish.

And now, here i am.


1 comment:

weas said...

Hey, at least the horn didn't start honking randomly.