Saturday, January 19, 2008

Incident Site U.S. 447

So, last night was Cloverfield night.

Sam picked Liz and I up and we went straight to the theatre. We got our tickets from the Fandango machine and went in. We met everyone else, and there were tons of people there. We waited for a few minutes, and then they let us in. We filled up the entire back row. It was awesome. We waited, watched trailers, and then we saw the teaser for Star Trek. I was nerding out, i swear. I can't wait for it, at all.

So, after that, the movie started. It started with text, then went on with the movie.

When the monster first attacks, that's the exact moment when the film clutches onto you. And believe me, from then until the end, it doesn't even think of letting go.

It was spectacular. I was freaking out, getting scared, covering my mouth with my hand, grasping my leg, all of that. I will say this right now. This waas the best theater-going experience in my life.

After it ended, we went home, and Liz and I could not sleep. It's not like we tried to, but we just couldn't. I finally retired at about 1:00. And today, i tried looking up all i could on what happened, any theories, and things like that.

And seeing that it is a work of JJ Abrams, there had to have been some sort of background stuff that people wouldn't normally see the first time. So, i would love to see it again, and keep a close watch for anything i could not have seen the first time.

I STRONGLY reccomend this movie. That is, if shaky cameras don't make you get nausea.

1) "Matthew, of all the wrong pronounciations of that man's name, you seem to have stumbled upon absolutely the worst one."

- NewsRadio

1 comment:

fang said...


I just stumbled across your blog by accident, and I emailed a friend of mine the following the other day as I've been following this movie since last spring, so hope it helps.


Here's pretty much everything I know and have collated the past 10+ months for you to mull over - first of all, you need to see this:

News Report On The Chaui Station Disaster:

Press Release From Tagruato CEO Ganu Yoshida:

"Dear Friends, Supporters, Investors, and Members of the Tagruato Family,

Ever since I was a very small boy, I have had the dream of owning a company similar to this one. A company where the workers work hard and love each other. A company dedicated to making good change to our world. A company that would bring prosperity to Japan and extend that wealth and knowledge into the universe.

Unfortunately, last week was a dark time for Tagruato, this company I love so dearly. I tried to contain the event for the sake of police investigation but now it is the time to come clean and tell our story to the world.

Our newest and brightest oil rigging development, Chuai Station, was attacked by a terrorist environment group called Tidowave. They released a series of explosions on the station, causing the loss of life and bringing the rig down into its knees. Tagruato has faced threats from this group for many years and has, with the help of our friends in the police forces, fought off many prior attacks. This blow, however, was too strong to miss us. The Chuai Station was damaged.

We are working tirelessly to contain environmental damage from the explosions and are already experimenting in the Atlantic for a new Chuai Station rebuilding location while our work is being continued at a temporary facility. We have also opened the Chuai Station Funds, which has currently raised over 300 million yen for the families of Chuai victims.

On behalf of everyone at Tagruato, I would extend my thanks for the overwhelming wave of support we have been receiving from our business partners, friends, and colleagues. We will not rest until these criminals are taken off of the streets and made to answer to the families of those lost at their hands. I know that, with your help, Tagruato will not falter before zealots, but will remain the company I pictured as a boy, dedicated to exploring the magic of our world and controlling the future of us all."


Did you notice 'Slusho!' referenced in the t-shirt Rob's brother was wearing? ('Slusho!' being the company Rob was going to work for in Japan)

J.J. Abrams said in a recent interview that: "...the concept for the monster is simple. He's a baby. He's brand-new. He's confused, disoriented and irritable. And he's been down there in the water for thousands and thousands of years."

(Jeez - i'd hate to meet one of them f*ckers fully grown then!)

According to some theories, the monster was disturbed by the work of Tagruato, a deep sea drilling operation and owner of 'Slusho!', a corporation that makes organic high-energy drinks. If you'll remember, Rob was to leave for Japan as he was named the VP of marketing of some company. That company? 'Slusho!' (His brother Jason sports a 'Slusho!' T-shirt in the film) Although not directly mentioned in the film, 'Rob' blogged about it on his myspace page:

Friday, January 04, 2008

"You can't drink just six..."

Current mood: adventurous
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

So I got a job offer, and it's everything I wanted. More money, more power, more creative freedom. I'd even have up to five people working under me, and you know how much I've always wanted underlings. One catch -- I need to move to freakin' JAPAN! The job is the V.P. of Marketing and Promotions for SLUSHO! brand "happy drink." Apparently it's all the rage in Asia. I'd be part of a team tasked with replicating the drink's popularity in the Western world.

Here's a link to their most recent TV spot:

Bizarre, I know. I'm sure Hud would love it. They want us to come up with a more accessible angle to hook an American audience.

When I said I'd be willing to leave NYC for the new gig, I was thinking maybe Chicago or Toronto, maybe L.A. Japan is a whole other extreme. I'm not a particularly worldly fellow, and I'd definitely be in store for some major culture shock. But you know what? Maybe this is exactly the jolt my lame little life needs. A fresh start, and all the clichés that go with it. I'm cautiously psyched. I told them I needed the weekend to think it over, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take it. I mean, I can't think of a good enough reason not to.

Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm done.

It's time for a change. I'm officially launching into a full-blown job hunt. I've been putting the feelers out for the past few weeks, but now it has become abundantly clear to me that I need to move on and try something else. I've put in a lot of time and effort only to be continuously misinterpreted or altogether unnoticed. I'm not opposed to leaving New York, if that's what it takes. Don't get me wrong -- I love this city. But there are certain elements that I need to get away from before I lose my mind. I'm sick of being the overlooked guy. Sick of being pigeonholed as one thing, when if you would just give me a chance, I know I can be so much more.

You know how you can get totally absorbed with something, and because you are so focused on that one thing, you miss out on other opportunities? I now realize that's what has been happening here. Or maybe I've known it all along and have been living in denial, clinging to that empty hope that things were going to get better. That certain things were meant to happen. Well, whether those things were meant to happen or not, they didn't. Not for me, at least.

Sometimes, you need to give up.


As you saw in the movie, the Cloverfield monster came with a few detachable friends. Most seem to agree that the small arachnid-like monsters that fell off uhhh....'it' were actually parasites (and perhaps what made the monster so irritable - you know, other than being shot with napalm and such).

That said, there seems to be some confusion over what these parasitical little f*ckers do - I mean, it's pretty obvious that the parasites themselves seem to be even more dangerous to humans than the Cloverfield monster itself - as poor ol' Marlene found out after getting bitten and she kinda went out with a bang.

By the way - did you take note of the sly nods and references to Beast From A Thousand Fathoms, Them!, The Creature From The Black Lagoon and King Kong?

As for that satellite falling from the sky in the final shot (according to JJ Abrams it belongs to the Tagruato company, and upon falling from orbit into the ocean, awoke 'the monster' from it's hibernation).

The following is a december 07 press release from the Tagruato website:
Visions of success for Tagruato's Bold Futura subsidiary are no longer limited by gravity. In its first month orbiting Earth, the satellite "Hatsui" has been at peak performance—busily collecting data and securing samples. The satellite signals the first effort by Futura's space program, and is heralded company-wide as a huge success. Images taken by it's cutting edge TagFutura KrystaLens were described by CEO Ganu Yoshida as, "a revelation in imagery." Grinning big, he added, "This equipment will open eyes to worlds never before imagined. It is a bright, united future for all of us." And he meant it. In their latest gesture to reach out to fellow man, Tagruato used the Hatsui satellite to try to identify a rogue piece that is thought to have fallen off of the Japanese Government's "ChimpanzIII" satellite. Although Hatsui's work has not yet been able to confirm the identity of the fallen piece, Tagruato scientists and engineers are busily trying to track and recover the fragment. According to Hatsui data, it disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean late last week.

Bold Futura's Head Aeronautical Engineer Wada Arinori proudly touted the watchdog effort as the first of many. Hunched happily over a computer, he beamed, "In my 11 years for Tagruato, I see us grow in power, and also in caring. Such teamwork effort is huge stride."

Future plans for the Bold Futura space program are still under wraps. Although with the success of Hatsui and ample funds dedicated to development and galactic research, it is certain to be big. Added Yoshida, "Our first step into space was a triumphant one. Our next will be unforgettable."


What about that audio message at the end of the credits? (yes, there is one - no, I'm not going to tell you what it says!) Still, that's a good excuse to watch it again I think... :)

Oh, and finally (just to bend your mind a little more) In 1997 NOAA detected an ultra low frequency underwater sound in the South Pacific. It has been said that this sound would have to be from an animal larger than a blue whale. Which is pretty bloody interesting in of itself considering the Blue Whale is (supposedly) the largest animal on Earth. You can read more about the 'bloop' at Wikipedia or go to this site to actually hear the sound file

the password to access this site is jllovesth
(note: some content should be considered not safe for work/unsuitable for minors - but stick with viewing the videos she has uploaded, there's yet more interesting back story to be found there that will make some sense after visiting the above sites first...)
(found this late last night, and pissed myself laughing....note the number + click about a bit!)

So...there it is.
Hope it's of some help.


All my very be(a)st,

PS: one final thing - is it me, or do you think calling one of them 'Marlene' and then having her explode over a wall something of a dark joke on the film-makers part? (see below) I just couldn't help but giggle to myself when it happened!

God I'm a sick bastard lol


'Marlene On The Wall' - Suzanne Vega
All this to say, what's it to you?
Observe the blood, the rose tattoo
Of the fingerprints on me from you

Other evidence has shown that
You and I are still alone
We skirt around the danger zone
And don't talk about it later

Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
As she records the rise and fall
Of every soldier passing

But the only soldier now is me
I'm fighting things I cannot see
I think it's called my destiny
That I am changing

Marlene on the wall

I walk to your house in the afternoon
By the butcher's shop with the sawdust strewn
"Don't give away the goods too soon"
Is what she might have told me

And I tried so hard to resist
When you held me in your handsome fist
And reminded me of the night we kissed
And of why I should be leaving

Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
As the records the rise and fall
Of every man who's been here

But the only one here now is me
I'm fighting things I cannot see
I think it's called my destiny
That I am changing

Marlene on the wall

I really need to get out more.