Sunday, January 13, 2008

Caused Co

So, yesterday was quite interesting. Mom had gotten an unexpected bonus check, and we wee sitting around discussing how to spend. We landed on getting Guitar Hero 3 and getting stuff at Costco. So...we got one of those done.

Costco pretty much is amazing.

We got a box of gum. Jucy Fruit to be specific. Some Vitamin Water, jerky, muffins, and other things. All the versions we found og the game were for the PC, thank you.

Then we were off to FYE, where they only had the X360 and PS3 versions. Then to Target, where we came the closest. They had a game and guitar seperate, which was 100 dollars total. there either. We went to get boxes of drink. We went to Gamestop, where they had the PS3 version. Uuuuggghhhh.

So, we've settled on ordering the game online. Sure, it's not instant gratification, like we love so much, but i still get it. Knights of Cydonia, people!

So, a couple of posts ago was my 500th. I can't believe i'm halfway to 1000. Actually, i kind of can. I lie. And now, I'm off.

1) "Pledge sucks. Do they advertise on this show? Oh, they do? Pledge is a fine product."

- Late Night with Conan O'Brien

2) currently listening to: Made of Bricks - Kate Nash

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