Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tila, You're a Whore

I really felt like saying that. So, i did.

Anyway, yesterday was a nice first of the year. My sister, Sam and I went to different places. We went to Fred Meyer, and walked around for 2 minutes. Then we tried to go to Marshall's but they were closed. Then Burgerville, then Starbuck's, then Target. I bought Ferris Bueller's Day Off, cu it was cheap and i wanted it.

Then we went to Blockbuster and looked at movies and then went home. All in all, it was a fun day.

God, that was one crappy ending. I apologize. I didn't know how to bring that to a close. And now i can't either. I can already tell THIS is going to be a great day...

1) "So, Summer...Have you learned human emotion yet?"

- Serenity (cast commentary)

2) currently about to listen to for the second time: We're So Starving by Panic! at the Disco

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