Saturday, January 26, 2008

An Apology at Lunchtime

I'm sorry for the lack of posts this month. I'm just busy wih rehearsals and other things. I have a life, i guess, so this isn't all i do anymore.

So, my day was eventful yesterday. It was my sister's birthday, and we were going to go to Chevy's. Sam and I didn't know if we were going to get out of play practice on time, so we left early. We went straight from the school to Chevy's, and waited for no more than 5 minutes for everyone else. We sat down, and i ordered the Nachos Grande. Of course. We finished, and Liz got the birthday singing and ice cream. She ate that crap, then we left. Sam, Cody, Liz and I drove to Costco first, and we parked, and then we turned around and drove away. Let me explain why.

So, the day before, Sam and I went there, because his plan was to fill Liz's locker with Tic-Tacs. We went to Costco, and then we asked the weird lady with a thick Asian accent if you had to be 18 to get a card. She sent us over to the next desk. We went there and we asked the lady if we could get a card if we weren't 18.


Fine, wench. So we went back to the house and got my dad's card. That didn't work either because cards aren't transferable. Then we went and cleared out 2 mini-marts. So...we hate Costco.

So, we were going to get Cody a card last night, then we changed our minds. We drove to Burgerville and Sam got Liz and him milkshakes. Then went back home.

We watched Liz's newly acquired DVD of Hairspray, which, I'll admit, is a pretty good movie. At almost the end, Ariel came over, and after the movie, we went to see 27 Dresses. I'm sorry, but that movie sucked. It was so cliched and not very funny at all. And the two main characters didn't have any chemistry. It simply didn't work.

So, we came home and Liz went to bed. And then i did too.

And now here i am, writing about it.

Also, I'm going to Winter Formal tonight. S'gonn' be sweet.

1) "So i hear you're going to be gone for a while. How long are you leaving us, Brenda?"
"...Just 9 months."

- Hairspray

2) currently wanting to see - Be Kind Rewind (February 22nd!!!!)

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