Thursday, January 17, 2008

And if I Were a Field, You Would Be in Clover

So, I'm seeing Cloverfield tomorrow. I'm excited as all hell, my friends.

The musical has been going better and better each day. Today's practice only took us an hour. It's usually almost 2.

So...a few day ago, we had some snow, and school was delayed 2 hours.

That same day, i just walked into PE after changing. I got handed a pass to go the library. In my PE clothes and in the FREEZING COLD. I felt really awkward, and what i had to do took almost the whole of the period, so i basically changed for nothing. Sometimes, life sucks.


1) "That's Lenardo, i bet he wants to kill the prince."
"I'm Lenardo. Boy, do i want the prince dead!"

- some comedia d'el arte we're reading in drama

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