Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hails Yeah

Yesterday, we got a 2005 Chrysler Toan & Country. And what a van it is. I has room to almost stand in, three rows of seating, and secret underseat compartments! Finding that out was awesome. More about that later.

So, today, mom and i went to Blockbuster and Safeway. (i totally just accidentally typed custer instead of buster.) We rented 2 games and a movie. They wouldn't all fit in the glovebox, so my mind went from there to "maybe i can put them under the seat." There was only plastic to the floor. But! i noticed a small handle. I tried to open it, thinking it was a door of some tiny sort. It was a drawer. Inside it was an unopened owner's maual. Mom was happy, and so was i. Good story, right?

Then, at Safeway, i saw my friend Kasi, and mom saw my aunt's friend. We got done shopping, and an old man was our bagger. Why a man that old was on bag duty, and not some pimply-facded teenage boy is a mystery to me that i'm too lazy to investigate. But, i can tell you, he's an awful bagger. Ripped bags a plenty. And i wasn't wearing a coat, and it was hailing and raining. I ran to the car got in before i drowned standing up. Could you imagine how messed up that would be? Anyway, we loaded the groceries in fast and drove him. An adventure, it was.

And i got really nasty Robatussin for my sickness.

1) "You were scared to try the new flavor of Dr. Pepper!"

- Accepted

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