Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Labor Dabor-est

So, tomorrow is the holiday before school. I'll nothing and have to like it. That sucks. But today, i did do something, which was this:

Went to Ross for school shenanigans. All i got was a hoodie. Went to Target. I got a shirt and a new bag, thank Jesus. I've had the old for too long, and it just looks like i'm carrying a load of crap on my back. Seriously, though. I might give it to someone who needs it. Know anybody?

I can't believe it. Tuesday is the first "school night". And Liz gets to do all the crazy crap she wants. It's weird. Really weird.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Tuesday was pretty fun too. Taco salad for dinner...and then after that, Ariel came over, and her, Sam, Liz and I went bowling, and then we played pool and then rented movies again and went home. The movies? Strangers With Candy, and OpenCam, some gay thriller. And by gay, i do mean homosexual. I'd never say it otherwise. I didn't watch it. Wasn't in the mood for "thrills." The other one was okay. The show is sooo much better.

Yesterday? Nothing.

Today? Went to Taco Bell for Cody's birthday. Then now i'm here. Good times.

1) "Here's my story. [reading title card] Stranglers...with...[fades out] I guess we'll never know."

- Srangers With Candy [movie]

After the Fellows of Post-Spring Months Have Departed

During this last summer week, i've done quite a lot so far. And there's onl about 1 and a hlaf days left, and then a few more next week. Yes, i'm pissed, but whatever.

Monday: I went to the Oregon State Fair. Main reason? To see Weird Al for the first time in ages. And let me tell you guys, it was pretty fantastic. The songs? Um...let me see...

  • Fun Zone
  • Polkarama!
  • I'll Sue Ya
  • Canadian Idiot
  • White and Nerdy
  • You're Pitiful
  • Trapped in the Drive-Thru [snippet]
  • I'n In Love With the Skipper [snippet]
  • Eat It [s]
  • Couch Potato [s]
  • Pretty Fly For a Rabbi [s]
  • A Complicated Song [s]
  • Bedrock Anthem [s]
  • Confessions Part III [s]
  • Do I Cree[ You Out [s]
  • eBay [s]
  • Ode to a Superhero [s]
  • Fat
  • Weasel Stomping Day
  • Smells Like Nirvana
  • Close But No Cigar
  • Bob
  • The Saga Begins
  • Yoda
  • It's All About the Pentiums
  • Amish Paradise
  • Gump
  • Wanna B Ur Luvr
After Fat, he introduced the band, and left for a while. By a while i mean, about 2 minutes or something. Then he came back and did these.

We All Have Cell Phones, So Come On, Let's Get Real [encore]

And right after that, he did the unexcpected. He played freaking Albuquerque. Yes, that Albuquerque. He even did the extra long version, with every sort of donut you could find, and starting the song over when he loses his train of thought. It was fantastic. I can't wait to do it again.

And the fair was good too.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So...It's been years, but in 2008, i guess the real Olympic fever swept across my father, and he initiated the family Olympics. By family, i mean Sam, Liz, Dad and I. The events?

  • Mario Party
  • Aggravation
  • Mario Kart
  • Mario Golf
  • Mario Kart battle
  • Super Monkey Ball bowling
  • Super Monkey Ball soccer
  • Mario Tennis
Yeahhh! Anyway, I'm not that good. I haven't won a thing yet. 

So...This is the first post from Safari. I like it. It's all...Apple-ey.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Number Five With a Bullet...And a Few Doobies

I'm seeing Pineapple Express later. So...there that is. It's gonn' be sweetz.

Anyway...see you later.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Need Creepiness?

Don't Stop by Innerpartysystem

The Biggest Little Mistake

I get it, do you? Probably not. Haha, you suck.

So, Assassin Night III was on Tuesday. 'Twas Ben, Ariel, Sam, Mike, Mike, Kelsey, Spencer, Kira and I. Yes, both Mikes came, it was weird. Not really, but whatever.

Anyway, since then, it's been cripplingly hot. I want a job like crazy, and i have a new IPod. How, you ask? Well, Liz's beau bought her one, so i inherited the old one. It takes forever to put stuff on it and take stuff off, but dammit, i can listen to This American Life! I love that show so much. You have no idears.

Mom's birthday is on Monday. Cool. And then the 25th is the fair/Weird Al. I'm excited. The first time in like, 8 years. Taste it.

1) "You know, DC. We love what you do. But you know...that you're toxic."

- Nickel Creek

Monday, August 11, 2008

I Might Remember

Wednesday: Assassin Night II. I came this time. I couldn't last time because of Foo Fighters. Who all was there? Ben, Spencer, Kelsey, Kira, Leah, Jake, Sam, Me. It was at Kelsey's aunt's house. We were soread around a nice place. We played about four or five games, then went inside for a drink break. After that, it was time for me to find the ultimate hiding place. Jake put me on top of the roof of a small little houselet, i think i'd call it. I sprawled out and was never found. The next game, i hid under a picnic table and was almost not found.

After that, we went for Otter Pops and talked for about ten minutes then all went home.

Oh, and i bought Viva la Vida by Coldplay. It's simply wonderful.

1) "Game over, yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

- The lyrics to my new favorite song

2) Currently listening to:
Viva la Via or Death and All His Friends - Coldplay
Hiroshima [song - Ben Folds
Bitch Went Nutz [song] - Ben Folds
A Weekend in the City - Bloc Party
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Narrow Stairs - Death Cab for Cutie
Interventions and Lullabies - The Format

A Breath

The next morning, i woke up. and then the next day happened. I did nothing this day. We shall go on now.

August 3rd: Went with that one girl to see our friend Leah sing for Portland Teen Idol at that Hillsboro Festival. She was tres good.

Monday? The 4th? Nothing, if i recall correctly. But sometime between Saturday and Tuesday, Sam and I walked to the shopping center deal and rented movies, got ourselves a kickball for...kickball, and groceries. by that i mean grocery.

More on kickball: Tuesday, we planned on having a kickball tourney at the park by our house. A slew of people were planning on coming, but it ended up being just Ariel, Sam, Liz and I. We played for five seconds, then went to Brookwood and played walball for another five seconds. Then we all went and saw Step Brothers. Best Will Ferrell movie in a while, in my opinion. We went back home and rented Requiem For a Dream and Thirteen, the latter i had seen already.

Requiem For a Dream is crazy, and freaky, and messed up, and very good. I can't quite explain it, but just check it out.

And then Wednesday-right now.

Not Viewers Like You

This recent silence has been brought to you by an anonymous donor.

I have no clue what i've been doing instead of posting. Drugs? No. Never.

Anyway, i think i'm going to detail the big stuff in seperate posts, small crap in combined ones. Okay. Let's start with the first.

Mom's company picnic at Oaks Park. It was Liz, Mom, Sam, Cody, Deja and I. People showed up fashionably. Then we went. Same thing as last year. We got there, ate, and immediately went to crazy things. I didn't do the Screaming Eagle, mostly because i didn't feel like dying that night. So, we did random things and got refreshments. I don't know if it was that [it probably was] or the inability to control things, but i puked on a ride for the first time in my life, people. First time ever. Now strangers think i'm one of those kids. I promptly went to the bathroom to wash it off the back of my shirt. And when i say bathroom, i mean outrageously unclean suckhole of a suckhole. It puts all the regular suckholes to shame. Honestly, it does. So, shortly after that, we walked to the car as the lights were all flickering off for closing time. We got home. I slept, then the next day.