Thursday, August 28, 2008

After the Fellows of Post-Spring Months Have Departed

During this last summer week, i've done quite a lot so far. And there's onl about 1 and a hlaf days left, and then a few more next week. Yes, i'm pissed, but whatever.

Monday: I went to the Oregon State Fair. Main reason? To see Weird Al for the first time in ages. And let me tell you guys, it was pretty fantastic. The songs? Um...let me see...

  • Fun Zone
  • Polkarama!
  • I'll Sue Ya
  • Canadian Idiot
  • White and Nerdy
  • You're Pitiful
  • Trapped in the Drive-Thru [snippet]
  • I'n In Love With the Skipper [snippet]
  • Eat It [s]
  • Couch Potato [s]
  • Pretty Fly For a Rabbi [s]
  • A Complicated Song [s]
  • Bedrock Anthem [s]
  • Confessions Part III [s]
  • Do I Cree[ You Out [s]
  • eBay [s]
  • Ode to a Superhero [s]
  • Fat
  • Weasel Stomping Day
  • Smells Like Nirvana
  • Close But No Cigar
  • Bob
  • The Saga Begins
  • Yoda
  • It's All About the Pentiums
  • Amish Paradise
  • Gump
  • Wanna B Ur Luvr
After Fat, he introduced the band, and left for a while. By a while i mean, about 2 minutes or something. Then he came back and did these.

We All Have Cell Phones, So Come On, Let's Get Real [encore]

And right after that, he did the unexcpected. He played freaking Albuquerque. Yes, that Albuquerque. He even did the extra long version, with every sort of donut you could find, and starting the song over when he loses his train of thought. It was fantastic. I can't wait to do it again.

And the fair was good too.

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