Monday, August 11, 2008

Not Viewers Like You

This recent silence has been brought to you by an anonymous donor.

I have no clue what i've been doing instead of posting. Drugs? No. Never.

Anyway, i think i'm going to detail the big stuff in seperate posts, small crap in combined ones. Okay. Let's start with the first.

Mom's company picnic at Oaks Park. It was Liz, Mom, Sam, Cody, Deja and I. People showed up fashionably. Then we went. Same thing as last year. We got there, ate, and immediately went to crazy things. I didn't do the Screaming Eagle, mostly because i didn't feel like dying that night. So, we did random things and got refreshments. I don't know if it was that [it probably was] or the inability to control things, but i puked on a ride for the first time in my life, people. First time ever. Now strangers think i'm one of those kids. I promptly went to the bathroom to wash it off the back of my shirt. And when i say bathroom, i mean outrageously unclean suckhole of a suckhole. It puts all the regular suckholes to shame. Honestly, it does. So, shortly after that, we walked to the car as the lights were all flickering off for closing time. We got home. I slept, then the next day.

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