Friday, August 15, 2008

The Biggest Little Mistake

I get it, do you? Probably not. Haha, you suck.

So, Assassin Night III was on Tuesday. 'Twas Ben, Ariel, Sam, Mike, Mike, Kelsey, Spencer, Kira and I. Yes, both Mikes came, it was weird. Not really, but whatever.

Anyway, since then, it's been cripplingly hot. I want a job like crazy, and i have a new IPod. How, you ask? Well, Liz's beau bought her one, so i inherited the old one. It takes forever to put stuff on it and take stuff off, but dammit, i can listen to This American Life! I love that show so much. You have no idears.

Mom's birthday is on Monday. Cool. And then the 25th is the fair/Weird Al. I'm excited. The first time in like, 8 years. Taste it.

1) "You know, DC. We love what you do. But you know...that you're toxic."

- Nickel Creek

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