Monday, August 11, 2008

A Breath

The next morning, i woke up. and then the next day happened. I did nothing this day. We shall go on now.

August 3rd: Went with that one girl to see our friend Leah sing for Portland Teen Idol at that Hillsboro Festival. She was tres good.

Monday? The 4th? Nothing, if i recall correctly. But sometime between Saturday and Tuesday, Sam and I walked to the shopping center deal and rented movies, got ourselves a kickball for...kickball, and groceries. by that i mean grocery.

More on kickball: Tuesday, we planned on having a kickball tourney at the park by our house. A slew of people were planning on coming, but it ended up being just Ariel, Sam, Liz and I. We played for five seconds, then went to Brookwood and played walball for another five seconds. Then we all went and saw Step Brothers. Best Will Ferrell movie in a while, in my opinion. We went back home and rented Requiem For a Dream and Thirteen, the latter i had seen already.

Requiem For a Dream is crazy, and freaky, and messed up, and very good. I can't quite explain it, but just check it out.

And then Wednesday-right now.

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