Thursday, August 28, 2008


Tuesday was pretty fun too. Taco salad for dinner...and then after that, Ariel came over, and her, Sam, Liz and I went bowling, and then we played pool and then rented movies again and went home. The movies? Strangers With Candy, and OpenCam, some gay thriller. And by gay, i do mean homosexual. I'd never say it otherwise. I didn't watch it. Wasn't in the mood for "thrills." The other one was okay. The show is sooo much better.

Yesterday? Nothing.

Today? Went to Taco Bell for Cody's birthday. Then now i'm here. Good times.

1) "Here's my story. [reading title card] Stranglers...with...[fades out] I guess we'll never know."

- Srangers With Candy [movie]

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