Monday, October 31, 2005

Alright. If This Isn't Final, I Don't Know What Is: Scary Scary Chapter 2

Still no H'ween toon from TBC. This is ridiculous. It'll be up tomorrow, probably. I'll then probably have to wait acouple of weeks before i see it.

Yes, tonight is the last night at our house. We are leaving the town tomorrow. Things are going to be hella quick, if you know what i mean. We're are probably going to wake up early and will have to shuffle and skiffle through every box of crap and load and pack and store and stow and every house-moving related verb known to man. And folks. I'm ready for this bitch.

1) "What are you doing?"
"Inserting my banana bag. Which sounds dirty, but it's not."

- Grey's Anatomy

2) Currently playing: Super Mario Advance

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