Sunday, July 30, 2006

Two Illegals, One With Proof of Citizenship

I worked with Liz again yesterday. I stacked bricks and took trash to the dumpster again. I was a little worn out, but Liz, mom and I went to Target anyway. I got new shorts and new socks. We also went to Best Buy. They didn't have the deluxe edition of Muse, so i was looking around and i decided to buy a Ben Folds CD! Songs for Silverman. It's so great, and one of the songs even made me cry. Late is a song about Elliot Smith. It's so amazing. And believe it or not, Liz bought her first rap CD. As Cruel as School Children by Gym Class Heroes. It's pretty good, actually. I like them.

Then i got home and downloaded some stuff. Yes, Virginia by the Dresden Dolls and Flyleaf's self-titled debut album. Both with female leads. I just noticed that, because i'm not too intellegent.

Weird Al Yankovic's new CD comes out September 26! Straight Outta Lynwood is also a Dualdisc! I really can't wait.

1) "Remember Nestle's Quik? And how you would stir it for 30 minutes and no matter how hard you stir it there's still chunks of powdery magma that would blow up in your eye when you try to take a drink? [explosion] "Aw! Goddamn sand missile just blew up in my eye!""

- Dane Cook

2) Currently listening to: You to Thank by Ben Folds

3) Current mood: Hungry

Friday, July 28, 2006

Is it Alright if I Do This?

1) "Oh! A window envelope. How posh."

- Brainiac

2) Currently whistling: I'm a Letter, You're a Number from Wonder Showzen

3) Mood: Um.........'kay.


A couple of days ago, Liz abnd i got a job offer from our uncle, we took it, 'cuz we're getting paid. We started working today. It was sweltering and we hated it. We put stuff in wheelbarrows and dumpsters. It wasn't hard, but it was excruciatingly hot outside. We took a lot of water breaks. We broke for lunch which was egg salad sandwiches and Honey BBQ Fritos (or as i've taken to calling them, corn flavored chips). When we were finished, it was a brisk, cool 134 degrees in the car. And we're working tomorrow. Oh boy.

1) "Ah! Y2K!"

- My Name is Earl

2) Currently watching: Scrubs Season 2

3) Current mood: Clean after shower.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rush Fortnight!

Get it? Like rush hour?

Anyway, i have only two weeks to read a book. It just kills me that we HAVE to read a summer book. It drives me so nuts i can't think right.

I have ben noticing the last couple of days Bittorrent has been getting sluggish. Even on torrents with perfect health. It's just been slower than usual. I was thinking it could be spyware or something, but the compa doesn't have anything on it. We ran about 4 programs, nothing! What more do they want?

I have decided what i want for birthday or X-mas. For birthday: Wii. Seeing as it could be launched in September, i doubt it though. If not in Sept., then it's for xmas. Then i want a DS Lite for B-day. With a copy of Brain Age and/or Big Brain Academy or New SMB. I know that it's a little early for thinking of birthday and the 25th of Dec., but do i care? Maybe...

1) "I cried when i had no shoes, until i met a man with no feet. And then i laughed, really hard."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: the smooth, light sounds of the dryer.

3) Mood: Angry because schoool starts in 13 days!

Monday, July 24, 2006


You must keep your mouse/input device cursor inside a moving and changing box. I got 33 seconds on my first attempt.

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Friday, July 21, 2006


I gots me a sweet cut today. I think that's it.

1) "Statistics have shown that half of every married couple gets divorced. That's over 75 percent."

- Strangers With Candy (such a quotable show)

2) Currently smelling: Raviolies dad made for his lunch, i have pizza rolls. Muhaha.

3) Mood: "Hmm, good smell"

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Perfect Race

White people! Wow, I'm horrible.

The other day me and dad decided to race. It was pretty intense. It was 4 to 8 in favor of Dad. 1 more and he would've won. I won the next 4 in a row. We went to a tiebreaker. I beat my dad by two inches. I got a Chain Chomp at the last second. It was amazing.

So, my DVD came an hour after i posted. So far, in only 2 days, i finished the first two seasons. Out of 3. It's pretty hilarious.

1) "Jerri, what does V-I-C-T-O-R-Y spell?"
"...Fandango? Hobo camp!"


2) Currently listening to: Kool-Aid Man by Dane Cook

3) Mood: Need to go to bathroom

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Favorite Weird Al Song Lyrics

One More Minute

The DVD is supposed to arrive, it hasn't yet, probably will later.


- Heat Vision and Jack

2) Currently waiting for: Strangers With Candy DVD

3) Mood: Frustrated

Monday, July 17, 2006

Top 10 Worst Game Title Screens Ever

Soemthing Awful has compiled a list of the worst game title screens of all time.

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Ben Stiller's HEAT VISION AND JACK Pilot!

Quite possibly the funniest pilot. Ever! Ben Stiller created and directed this show in 1999. It starred Jack Black as the smartest man alive who travels around with a talking motorcycle, voiced by Owen Wilsion. Meanwhile, actor Ron Silver hunts down the pair. Hilarious.

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That's It! I Have Had It With These Motherf***ing Snakes On This Motherf***ing Plane!

You can prety much guess what movie that's from.

Speaking of SoaP, there is a theme song for it and it is incredibly catchy and i think i like it even more than Liz does. It's incredibly catchy, i said it again. You know why? Because it's true. Listen to it RIGHT NOW! I'm not kidding whatsoever.

Yesterday was horribloe. I set out to find the SWC DVD. I saw it for $40 on Wal-Mart's website, then found out, whilst in the store, that no selling besides groceries until 1:30. It fuels the fire for my neverending hatred of Wal-Mart. It was the same price on Target's ewebsite, they didn't have it there at the store. So, i went home, sat on the copma, ordered it online. I should have it tomorrow. And if not...

1) "It's gonna work, i just know it."
"So, you've done something like this before?"
"Oh, hell no! But i think it's going to work."

- Firefly

2) Currently tracking: My Sweet DVD

3) Current mood: Happy because my frozen pizza is good.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

It's Not Rated Arrrrr! It's PG-13!

I saw Pirates 2 today. Not as good as the first, but still excellent. If you want spoilers, get them somewhere else. I ain't telling nobody. All I'll say is you won't want to wait till next year.

1) "What's your dental plan?"
"Don't get any cavities."
"What about medical?"
"The same, except with hepititus and shingles."

- Psych

2) Listening to: Dance Cook similar artist radio

3) Mood: Mellow

Thursday, July 13, 2006

You Know What's A Good Humbera Hum?

I have learned how to blog stories from Diggnation. It's the simplest thing I've ever done. Diggnation's a pretty awesome website.

You know what's a good restaurant? Sonic.

You know what's a good guitar riff? Smoke on the Water.

Movie? A Mighty Wind

TV Show? The Colbert Report
Another one? Braniac

Recently seen movies and ratings:

Capote: A-
Firewall: C+
Superstar: B

News stories:

Paul Reubens said on Letterman that he's writing a script for Pee-Wee's Playhouse Movie.

Possible Arrested Development movie.

Possibility that British Office characters will make an American crossover.

You know what's a good color? Dark Blue

Documentary: The Fearless Freaks

That was pretty fun to do.

1) "Girls? If we can't see your ribs, you're ugly."

- The Colbert Report

2) Currently wanting really badly: Strangers With Candy DVD

3) Current mood: Blank

The cure for "You know that song, it goes Dun Dun Duuuh..."

Musiclens lets you search for music using vague criteria like how loud it is or its tempo and mood. Pretty spiffy flash interface as well.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

In Time

Yesterday, i downloaded a torrent of Muse new album, Black Holes and Revelations, i like every song i've heard, i hav only not heard one song, Exo-Politics. But they have a song called Hoodoo! That rules to every degree. The album is a very big production and it rocks to the 100th power. (Corwin, you might even like it.) I have decided to buy the thing, even though i have it already. The album reminds me of Queen in a weird way.

Today i had to take a shower, i had a feeling i knew where my REM Greatest Hits CD was, and i was right! It is in it's sleeve as we type.

So, me and dad played an extremely close game of tennis. The final score was:

Me: 4 7 4
Dad: 6 5 6

I know, right?

Last night, Pee-Wee's Playhouse was awesome, and it's on tonight too! I'm so happy!

1) "You got any...threes?"
"Well, it looks like Lenny's goin' fishin'!"

- That Thing You Do!

2) Currently listening to: were you even paying attention?

3) Current mood: a little thirsty

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Hello?

I want you to go to this website right now, this very second.

This trick is very cool. You put in a person's phone number, then you put in yours and your name, then you enter what text you want the program to say, then pick what voice you want it in. You can say whatever you want to whomever you want. WARNING: Both phones have to be on, and don't say anything that could get you arrested.

A Perfect July 4th, on July 8th

For me, a 4th of July is never complete without a visit from the King of Cartoons, i mean Pop-its. Pop-its are a staple for Independance Day. Without Pop-its, the summer is destroyed.

Speaking of King of Cartoons, tonight on Adult Swim, that's right, Adult Swim, they're going to start showing Pee-Wee Playhouse! I'm recording all of them on DVR, but I'm still watching them whilst being recorded.

Not much else to speak of. See you all whenevah. (Zach, sorry i didn't chat you, i was away from the Compa.)

1) "You can frolic through the bread aisle, without even leaving the house!"

- Strong Bad Email 153

2) Currently listening to: Mint Royale music

Thursday, July 6, 2006

I Totally Gave Up.

You know why? You prbably knew i was gonna do this eventually, right? That whole starting the posts titles with "My" thing? That's done. I'm not doing any of that anymore. Yeah, that happened before. Remember School Daze? Neither does anybody else.

So, Emmy nominations came out today. My fave show, Arrested Development got 4 nods. Supporting Actor, Outstanding Comedy, and two others, don't know which. The Office got 5 nominations. I'm really happy for that one too.

Remember that dream thing i wasw yammering on about last time? I just figured it out. I have to write the ending to it myself. I have to decide how the story ends. I plan to write the story very very soon. Just you wait.

1) "I wag my private parts at your aunties!"

- Monty Python and the -- Oh, you know where

2) Currently listening to: Chutes Too Narrow and Oh, Inverted World by The Shins

!!!!!!!NEW FEATURE!!!!!!!

3) Current mood: Hypo

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

My New Loves (a.k.a. My Bicentennial)

So, i have many new loves. A couple of days ago, i believe Friday, I decided to watch fan videos of The Office on Youtube. Fan videos are where someone finds clips of the show of a particular theme and sets them to music. Watching those videos has made me realize that i really love The Office. I now am eagerly awaiting the Season 2 DVDs.

I was watching Fuse, the music channel on Sunday, when i saw a video by The Shins. Kissing the Lipless. I am now in mad love with that song.

Those are it.

This morning when i went back to sleep after breakfast, i had a really long dream. I'm not going to explain, it's complicated, and of course, i don't remember it all. I'm seriously considering writing a story of it on DeviantArt. It was one of those dreams where it didn't end. It was really depressing. It was extremely depressing. I really want to know how it ends. Maybe if i think about it enough, I'll dream about it again and find an ending. The dream ended on a really emotional note. I can't stop thinking about it, it's driving me crazy. I know it's only a dream, but i want to know what happens. I can't be happy until i know how it ends.

This is my 200th blog post, everybody. Just relaying the info.

1) No quote today, not in the mood.

2) Currently listening to: Kissing the Lipless by The Shins

Monday, July 3, 2006

"Weird Al" Fights Record Label Using the Web!

Atlantic's efforts to block a parody of James Blunt's hit "You're Beautiful" has Yankovic fighting back publicly, and using his Web site as a tool to do so. Instead of fighting with the label, "Weird Al" is giving the song away for free! The song is hilarious. You really need to hear it.

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My DVD Calendar

It seems that there are really good DVDs out every month, and i will prove that. But first, news and other daily life dealies.

I woke up this morning and my watch had a blank screen. So, i guess it's out.

!!!DVD news!!!

TVShowsOnDVD has confirmed a September release for Season 1: Volume 1 of...Whose Line is it Anyway?! Finally! Our prayers have been answered, people! There's even cover art!

Also, Wonder Showzen: Season 2 is slated for October. I'm really excited about that.

Now, the DVD calendar.

Newsradio: S4
Strangers with Candy: Complete Series

Reno 911! S3

Arrested Development: S3
Brak Show: Vol. 2
Weird Al Show: Complete Series

Stella: Complete Series (Season 1)
WLiiA?: S1:V1

Wonder Showzen: S2
Scrubs: S4

There that is. I need me some monies.

1) "Oh, Robin Williams. Would i love to go head-to head with him. "I'm Mork from Ork." "Well, I'm Bork from...Smork." "Nanu, nanu!" "Zibbity-bloo bloo!""

- The Office (US)

2) Currently doing absolutely nothing. Sad, no?