Wednesday, July 5, 2006

My New Loves (a.k.a. My Bicentennial)

So, i have many new loves. A couple of days ago, i believe Friday, I decided to watch fan videos of The Office on Youtube. Fan videos are where someone finds clips of the show of a particular theme and sets them to music. Watching those videos has made me realize that i really love The Office. I now am eagerly awaiting the Season 2 DVDs.

I was watching Fuse, the music channel on Sunday, when i saw a video by The Shins. Kissing the Lipless. I am now in mad love with that song.

Those are it.

This morning when i went back to sleep after breakfast, i had a really long dream. I'm not going to explain, it's complicated, and of course, i don't remember it all. I'm seriously considering writing a story of it on DeviantArt. It was one of those dreams where it didn't end. It was really depressing. It was extremely depressing. I really want to know how it ends. Maybe if i think about it enough, I'll dream about it again and find an ending. The dream ended on a really emotional note. I can't stop thinking about it, it's driving me crazy. I know it's only a dream, but i want to know what happens. I can't be happy until i know how it ends.

This is my 200th blog post, everybody. Just relaying the info.

1) No quote today, not in the mood.

2) Currently listening to: Kissing the Lipless by The Shins

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