Thursday, July 6, 2006

I Totally Gave Up.

You know why? You prbably knew i was gonna do this eventually, right? That whole starting the posts titles with "My" thing? That's done. I'm not doing any of that anymore. Yeah, that happened before. Remember School Daze? Neither does anybody else.

So, Emmy nominations came out today. My fave show, Arrested Development got 4 nods. Supporting Actor, Outstanding Comedy, and two others, don't know which. The Office got 5 nominations. I'm really happy for that one too.

Remember that dream thing i wasw yammering on about last time? I just figured it out. I have to write the ending to it myself. I have to decide how the story ends. I plan to write the story very very soon. Just you wait.

1) "I wag my private parts at your aunties!"

- Monty Python and the -- Oh, you know where

2) Currently listening to: Chutes Too Narrow and Oh, Inverted World by The Shins

!!!!!!!NEW FEATURE!!!!!!!

3) Current mood: Hypo

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