Friday, July 28, 2006


A couple of days ago, Liz abnd i got a job offer from our uncle, we took it, 'cuz we're getting paid. We started working today. It was sweltering and we hated it. We put stuff in wheelbarrows and dumpsters. It wasn't hard, but it was excruciatingly hot outside. We took a lot of water breaks. We broke for lunch which was egg salad sandwiches and Honey BBQ Fritos (or as i've taken to calling them, corn flavored chips). When we were finished, it was a brisk, cool 134 degrees in the car. And we're working tomorrow. Oh boy.

1) "Ah! Y2K!"

- My Name is Earl

2) Currently watching: Scrubs Season 2

3) Current mood: Clean after shower.

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