Monday, December 31, 2007

The Final List

Here it is, finalized. All the Decemberists songs i listened to this month.

  1. July, July!
  2. Eli, the Barrow Boy
  3. Shanty for the Arethusa
  4. Los Angeles, I'm Yours
  5. The Infanta
  6. As I Rise
  7. Little Boxes
  8. The Bagman's Gambit
  9. Shiny
  10. Apology Song
  11. Crane Wife 3
  12. O Valencia!
  13. Shankill Butchers
  14. Hurdles Even Here
  15. Culling of the Fold
  16. Of Angels and Angles
  17. The Chimbley Sweep
  18. Red Right Ankle
  19. Leslie Anne Levine
  20. Song for Myla Goldberg
  21. The Soldiering Life
  22. A Cautionary Song
  23. Odalisque
  24. Please Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas)
  25. The Engine Driver
  26. On the Bus Mall
  27. California One/Youth and Beauty Brigade
  28. From My Own True Love (Lost at Sea)
  29. We Both Go Down Together
  30. The Perfect Crime #2
  31. The Tain (today)
So there you go. I wish everyone a happy new year, and i may see you tomorrow.

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