Friday, March 31, 2006

My Season 2

That's right, my friends, season 2 of Andy Milonakis and Wonder Showzen start tonight! I cannot wait a minute, I'm in anguish.

Tomorrow, even though it's gonna be craptacular, Jack Black is hosting the Kids' Choice Awards. I'm watching just for him.

The week after next is spring break. I cannot wait for this either. Yeah.

1) "That was the saddest funeral ever. That and my sister's."

- The Office

2) Currently watching: The Brak Show: Volume 1

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

(Dang! This is Like) My Neverending Sickness!

I'm home sick, for like, the third time in a year. Coughing alot and sore throat and i had to whisper this morning because i couldn't talk loud enough. Yeah, i know.

You all know what today is? It's a very rare Tuesday. I call it Big Media Tuesday. If there's more than 2 big media things coming out, then it constitutes a BMT. This BMT, there's:

  1. Wonder Showzen - Season 1
  2. Andy Milonakis - Season 1
  3. Robot Chicken - Season 1
  4. Kingdom Hearts II
  5. Show Your Bones by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I know, right? I want all of these, except maybe Anby Milonakis. I want it the least.

I need $200. I need to buy myself the 40-disc box set of all the Buffy episodes. 40 discs, people! 40! That's the biggest box set I've ever heard of. Have you heard of bigger? If so, report here.

BMT report:

1) A very twisted Sesame Street parody from people from South Park. The first time you sewe them, you are completely astounded by how offensive and un-PC it is, then they're hilarious the next.

2) Created by a 32-year old with a hormone deficciency disease. So he looks 12. But his stuff is hilariously absurd.

3) Created by Seth Green. Using dolls and toys for sketch comedy and it's great. People from Famil Guy and That '70s Show are on it too.

4) I don't really need to explian it. You get to go to Tron land!

5) Great music, new album after a 3-year absence. Next CD I'm gonna buy, definitely.

There you go.

1) "Everytime i say the words, "Eht takum na--"
"Well, don't say it!"
"It only works on her, Jayne."
"Well, now i know that."

- Serenity

2) Currently watching: Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Vol. 2

Thursday, March 23, 2006

My Haymaker

On Wednesday, in drama, we started stage combat and it's really fun. We learned how to strike, block, kick, reverse headlock, the haymaker and the rollback. Everyone is doing very well including me and it's awesome.

It's pretty sad that i only have 1 thing to write about, no?

1) "She'll turn you in before you can say..."Don't turn me in, lady.""

- Firefly

2) Currently watching: Firefly: The Complete Series

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My Awesome!

Well, today waas report card day. All i have to say is is...SWEET! C's, A's and 1 B. I have a C in Pre-Algebra! This is some of the best news ever.

This has been a quick report. More when further news develops.

1) "Today is an auspicious day!"
"Suspicious day? What day is it?...What month is it?"

- Firefly

2) Currently listening to: The Chimbley Sweep by the Decemberists

Monday, March 20, 2006

My Nerdful Completion

Today's post is centered heavily on the fact that i now have the complete Firefly collection. The show, the BDM, everything. I'm currently watching the show, with commentary. My nerdiness is complete. Also, i downloaded ITunes, and am loaded up with podcasts. The Barenaked Ladies one and the Liam Lynch one. They're both great.

Anyway, i had an excellent four-day weekend. Went to Wal-Mart, aka Hell. Becaue it's a whole lot cheaper, then to Best Buy. I saw the precious DVDs, and persuaded my mom to get them for me if i washed the car, inside and out, and I'm not getting paid for the next couple of weeks. I feel complete.

1) "What did i tell you about coming into my shuttle?"
"That it was manly and impulsive?"

- Firefly

2) Already stated

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Bees

Yesterday, i started a story on DeviantArt entitled "Bumbling". It's about four people who do everything wrong and they meet each other. One of them "meet each other and their lives are linked together" stories.

Anyway, today is the first of our days off. 2 to be exact. This makes me happy.

Not much else to write about. See ya.

1) "Where's your phone, Jim?"
"At home."
"Because it's lame!"

- that RAZR commercial

2) Currently listening to: The Spine by They Might Be Giants

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My 14th 14

This is my 14th March 14th. Cool.

So, Saturday was fun. We walked to the mall and i bought me a CD. I bought How to Save a Life by The Fray. It's really pretty good. It's something my aunt would probably like.

OK, i just got a link on in4mador for the Mortal Kombat fatalities video. It's pretty cool. It's basically a 22-minute video of people's poorly animated heads get taken off and people being turned into bones.

Today, i just officially got myself a friend who is actually a girl from SC. Cause when we moved i still needed to get a girl-friend here. And i did. Her name is Lauren. She's in my math class and drama class. She's funny and nice. Anyway, 'enough about her. See ya'll later.

1) "Is this a dream?"

- 78th Oscars when Jon Stewart wakes up next to George Clooney

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development Season 1

Saturday, March 11, 2006

My Frenzy

Today, and last night was a media frenzy.

First, we have Conan's trizzip to Finland, then i thnk today, we are going to Sam Goody. If i find nothing there, I'm gonna save up to get either the 1st season of Wonder Showzen, Robot Chicken, The Andy Milonakis Show, of season 3 of Arrested Development in June. I don't think i really need to save up for the Weird Al Show DVDs because i think we're going to get it no matter what. I could spend hours talking about DVDs and all that good crap. Let's just hope i find something of good quality at Sam Goody. I think I'm gonna look for that OK Go CD.

1) "Hey, Mike? I'll give you ten bucks if you go up to that produce guy and ask for some "lettooce"."

- Ed

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development Season 1

Friday, March 10, 2006

My Fridya

Yes, i meant it that way.

Today was OK. First of all, the homework for drama was to write a sonnet, and i wrote 3. I think they're adequate. I'm totally going to put them on deviantart. One's pretty angsty though.

In other blah-blah, i have no plans for the weekend. I think I'm just going to sit around and sleep in alot.

Tonight, on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, They are devoting an ENTIRE HOUR of the show to footage of Conan's visit to Finland! He went there because he recently discovered that he was a hit there, and then figured out that it was because he looked alot like they're president. It will be hysterical.

1) "Yeah, I'm gonna need you to never say tweess again."

- Strong Bad Email 147 (Lady Fan)

2) Currently listening to: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by Panic! At The Disco

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

My 3rd


Dad just called and said they found her! On their way as we speak. I
m so happy and joyful now. Wow, she's coming back. I was so everlastingly worried. Alright, now you know what's going on. God night, and good luck.

My, "There Might Even Be 3 Posts Today!"

My friends, i have some very urgent news. Our autn Catherine just called a while ago and said she thinks she saw Sheeba! Dad and Liz rushed out the door, so I'm told, i was in the shower at the time. I will report back as soon as i find something else out, or when the beloved dog has arrived at the house. Oh, this is exciting! See ya!


Remember yesterday, when i said I got transferred to a pre-algebra class? That's the good news, that means that i have a better chance at a better grade. But, i of course, forgot that they add up the grades for each quarter and the average it out. So far, my grades are, unless i improve the ne from Q3 by Friday:


Yeah, not good. If the 50 remains the same, and i discovered this after doing the excruciatingly painful averaging, i would have to get a 120 in Q4 in order to move on to high school. Because the C grade is a 77%. The options are:

Summer school
Do extra credit until it comes out the wazoo

Fun, right?

1) "Gazizza, my dilznoofus!"

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3 (commentaries)

Monday, March 6, 2006

My Pre-

Today i was surprised. Why? I walk in to my first class and was told to go to the guidance counselor. I went and git my new schedule. I GOT TRANSFERRED TO A PRE-ALGEBRA CLASS!!!!!!! I was so incredibly happy. And i still am. But today, we had a really fogey-esque, old substitute. "No restroom passes!" Bleh!

Today, in drama, we learned about sonnets and iambic pentameter (or however you spell that). It was pretty cool. We decyphered the sonnets and acted them out. What'g oing on tomorrow? I have no clue. But tonight, 24's 2 hours!

This weekend, i got NewsRadio Season 3! The gag reel is ROTF funny, but the featurettes are incredibly, unbearably boring. Just a heads up.

1) "I'm sorry, but anyone who calls the AmericanBroadcast Society Awards the ABSAs is a dork."
{Mr. James walks in}
"Boy, it is just ABSA FEVER out there!"

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3

Saturday, March 4, 2006

My Nevermind

I've decided after thinking through things, that postponing blog posts isn't exactly necessary. I don't need to shelter you all from my other million things that are going on.

Mom called the county and they have put her on the missing dog list. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I guess this'll test the competence of the police in this town. We're in the process of finding a good picture of her for the flyer. I just really hope all things go well.

Friday, March 3, 2006

My Poster

Oue beloved dog, Sheeba has been lost. She must've gotten the gate open or something. I'm really worried about her. I'm also very scared of where she could be and what she could be doing. This is my darkest day. Therefore, i will postpone all blog postings until we find her or know her status. I have no earthly clue how long this will take. I'm getting ready to make posters. Until we know, I will see all of you later.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

My Cast Party Pt. I

Today was yet another math test. You know what? I actually felt like i got some of the questions right. I was astounded. But, alas, there is some bad news...

I have Saturday detention. For possibly the stupidest reason in the whole universe. Oh, no! I forgot my ID for 4 times this whole semester! O! Rapture! Total annihilation of humankind! Dreadful, just horrific! I haven't gotten any sort of paper or anything, though. So, on the bus ride home, i listened to "angry" music.

Tomorrow is the cast party for Robin Hood. I don't plan on eating anything, but i have asked one of my drama friends to bring Diet soda. He's cool like that. He's in my science class, too. So, this is hereby the highlight of my tomorrow.

1) "Another sunny day, i might you out in the garden
You were digging plants, i dug you, beg your pardon."

- first lines of Another Sunny Day by Belle and Sebastian

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development: Season 1 and Scrubs: Season 1

Part II tom.