Monday, March 20, 2006

My Nerdful Completion

Today's post is centered heavily on the fact that i now have the complete Firefly collection. The show, the BDM, everything. I'm currently watching the show, with commentary. My nerdiness is complete. Also, i downloaded ITunes, and am loaded up with podcasts. The Barenaked Ladies one and the Liam Lynch one. They're both great.

Anyway, i had an excellent four-day weekend. Went to Wal-Mart, aka Hell. Becaue it's a whole lot cheaper, then to Best Buy. I saw the precious DVDs, and persuaded my mom to get them for me if i washed the car, inside and out, and I'm not getting paid for the next couple of weeks. I feel complete.

1) "What did i tell you about coming into my shuttle?"
"That it was manly and impulsive?"

- Firefly

2) Already stated

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that feeling of not getting paid for a while...