Wednesday, March 1, 2006

My Cast Party Pt. I

Today was yet another math test. You know what? I actually felt like i got some of the questions right. I was astounded. But, alas, there is some bad news...

I have Saturday detention. For possibly the stupidest reason in the whole universe. Oh, no! I forgot my ID for 4 times this whole semester! O! Rapture! Total annihilation of humankind! Dreadful, just horrific! I haven't gotten any sort of paper or anything, though. So, on the bus ride home, i listened to "angry" music.

Tomorrow is the cast party for Robin Hood. I don't plan on eating anything, but i have asked one of my drama friends to bring Diet soda. He's cool like that. He's in my science class, too. So, this is hereby the highlight of my tomorrow.

1) "Another sunny day, i might you out in the garden
You were digging plants, i dug you, beg your pardon."

- first lines of Another Sunny Day by Belle and Sebastian

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development: Season 1 and Scrubs: Season 1

Part II tom.

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