Tuesday, March 7, 2006


Remember yesterday, when i said I got transferred to a pre-algebra class? That's the good news, that means that i have a better chance at a better grade. But, i of course, forgot that they add up the grades for each quarter and the average it out. So far, my grades are, unless i improve the ne from Q3 by Friday:


Yeah, not good. If the 50 remains the same, and i discovered this after doing the excruciatingly painful averaging, i would have to get a 120 in Q4 in order to move on to high school. Because the C grade is a 77%. The options are:

Summer school
Do extra credit until it comes out the wazoo

Fun, right?

1) "Gazizza, my dilznoofus!"

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3 (commentaries)

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