Friday, March 10, 2006

My Fridya

Yes, i meant it that way.

Today was OK. First of all, the homework for drama was to write a sonnet, and i wrote 3. I think they're adequate. I'm totally going to put them on deviantart. One's pretty angsty though.

In other blah-blah, i have no plans for the weekend. I think I'm just going to sit around and sleep in alot.

Tonight, on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, They are devoting an ENTIRE HOUR of the show to footage of Conan's visit to Finland! He went there because he recently discovered that he was a hit there, and then figured out that it was because he looked alot like they're president. It will be hysterical.

1) "Yeah, I'm gonna need you to never say tweess again."

- Strong Bad Email 147 (Lady Fan)

2) Currently listening to: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by Panic! At The Disco

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