Saturday, March 11, 2006

My Frenzy

Today, and last night was a media frenzy.

First, we have Conan's trizzip to Finland, then i thnk today, we are going to Sam Goody. If i find nothing there, I'm gonna save up to get either the 1st season of Wonder Showzen, Robot Chicken, The Andy Milonakis Show, of season 3 of Arrested Development in June. I don't think i really need to save up for the Weird Al Show DVDs because i think we're going to get it no matter what. I could spend hours talking about DVDs and all that good crap. Let's just hope i find something of good quality at Sam Goody. I think I'm gonna look for that OK Go CD.

1) "Hey, Mike? I'll give you ten bucks if you go up to that produce guy and ask for some "lettooce"."

- Ed

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development Season 1

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