Monday, March 6, 2006

My Pre-

Today i was surprised. Why? I walk in to my first class and was told to go to the guidance counselor. I went and git my new schedule. I GOT TRANSFERRED TO A PRE-ALGEBRA CLASS!!!!!!! I was so incredibly happy. And i still am. But today, we had a really fogey-esque, old substitute. "No restroom passes!" Bleh!

Today, in drama, we learned about sonnets and iambic pentameter (or however you spell that). It was pretty cool. We decyphered the sonnets and acted them out. What'g oing on tomorrow? I have no clue. But tonight, 24's 2 hours!

This weekend, i got NewsRadio Season 3! The gag reel is ROTF funny, but the featurettes are incredibly, unbearably boring. Just a heads up.

1) "I'm sorry, but anyone who calls the AmericanBroadcast Society Awards the ABSAs is a dork."
{Mr. James walks in}
"Boy, it is just ABSA FEVER out there!"

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3

1 comment:

weas said...

Hey, now you have a much better chance of getting a good math grade! Whoot!